Dmv Point System In Colorado
Colorado Department Of Motor Vehicles Point System
In addition to any driving-related criminal charges you may be facing in Denver, Arapahoe, Douglas, Jefferson or Adams County, Colorado has established a point system for revocation, suspension and reinstatement through the Colorado Department of Revenue — Division of Motor Vehicles. The point system is designed to keep safe drivers on the road while weeding out those considered hazardous. Different points are accumulated based on the severity of convictions. See our DUI and major traffic crimes pages for more information.
If an adult driver receives 12 points over a 12-month period or 18 points over a 24-month period, he or she will have his or her license suspended or revoked. In the case of a minor driver 18 years or older, nine points within a 12-month period, or 12 points within a 24-month period, is enough for a suspension. For those under 18 years, getting six points in 12 months, or seven points prior to the driver’s 18th birthday, will result in suspension or revocation. If points were accumulated during the course of employment as a chauffeur, then 16 points in one year, 24 in two years and 28 over a four-year period will result in a driver’s license revocation or suspension unless the offenses involved DUI, DWAI or a habitual user. In that case, suspension or revocation may be immediate.
The DMV Hearing
Following conviction for a criminal offense, there may be a DMV hearing, depending on the extent of the crime. Colorado courts are required to report convictions related to driving to the Department of Motor Vehicles. License suspension lasts until the requirements of the DMV are completed. And, you must go to the DMV and petition to have your license reinstated. It does not happen automatically. Depending on the terms of the conviction, the DMV has the ability to suspend your license even further. Our Denver criminal lawyer team regularly appears before the Colorado Department of Revenue – Division of Motor Vehicles for these hearings to ensure your driver’s license reinstatement.
Restricted/Red Licenses In Colorado
In certain license suspensions, there is a Colorado restricted license (sometimes called a Colorado red license) available that only allows the holder to drive between work and home. This license is created for individuals who are reliant on transportation for their job.
Specific Conviction Point Assessments
(a) Leaving scene of accident 42-4-1606 12
(b) (I) DUI or DUI per se 42-4-1301 12
(II) Habitual user 12-41.5-109 (2)(II)(h) 12
(III) DWAI 42-4-1301 8
(IV) UDD 42-1-102 (109.7) 4
(c) (I) Engaging in a speed contest in violation of section 42-4-1105 (1) 12
(II) Aiding or facilitating engaging in a speed contest in violation of section 42-4-1105 (3) 12
(III) Engaging in speed exhibition in violation of section 42-4-1105(2)5
(IV) Aiding or facilitating engaging in a speed exhibition in violation of section 42-4-1105 (3) 5
(d) Reckless driving 42-4-1401 8
(e) Careless driving 42-4-1402 4
(e.5) Careless driving resulting in death 42-4-1402 (c) 12
(f) Speeding 42-4-1101:
(I) One to four miles per hour over the reasonable and prudent speed or one to four miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 75 miles per hour: 0
(II) Five to nine miles per hour over the reasonable and prudent speed or five to nine miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 75 miles per hour: 1
(III) Ten to 19 miles per hour over the reasonable and prudent speed or 10 to 19 miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 75 miles per hour: 4
(IV) Twenty to 39 miles per hour over the reasonable and prudent speed or 20 to 39 miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 75 miles per hour: 6
(IV.5) Forty or more miles per hour over the reasonable and prudent speed or 40 or more miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 75 miles per hour: 12
(V) Failure to reduce speed below an otherwise lawful speed when a special hazard exists 3
(VI) One to four miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 40 miles per hour driving a low-power scooter: 0
(VII) Five to nine miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 40 miles per hour driving a low-power scooter: 2
(VIII) Greater than nine miles per hour over the maximum lawful speed limit of 40 miles per hour driving a low-power scooter: 4
(g) Failure to stop for school signals: 6
(h) Driving on wrong side of road or driving on wrong side of divided or controlled-access highway in violation of section 42-4-1010: 4
(i) Improper passing 42-4-1008: 4
(j) Failure to stop for school bus: 6
(k) Following too closely 42-4-1008: 4 (l) Failure to observe traffic sign or signal, except as provided in paragraph (ff) of this subsection (5): 4 points
(m) Failure to yield to emergency vehicle 42-4-705: 4
(n) Failure to yield right-of-way, except as provided in paragraphs (y) to (bb) of this subsection (5) 42-4-701: 3
(o) Improper turn: 3
(p) Driving in wrong lane or direction on one-way street: 3
(q) Driving through safety zone C.R.S. 42-4-806: 3
(r) Conviction of violations not listed in this subsection (5) while driving a moving vehicle, which are violations of a state law or municipal ordinance other than violations classified as Class B traffic infractions under section 42-4-1701 or having an equivalent classification under any municipal ordinance: 3
(s) Failure to signal or improper signal: 2
(t) Improper backing: 2
(u) Failure to dim or turn on lights: 2
(v) (I) Except as provided in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (v), operating an unsafe vehicle 42-20-406 (II)(j): 2
(II) Operating a vehicle with defective head lamps: 1
(w) Eluding or attempting to elude a police officer 18-9-116.5: 12
(x) Alteration of suspension system 42-4-233: 3
(y) Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian: 4
(z) Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian at walk signal: 4
(aa) Failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian upon emerging from alley, driveway, or building in a commercial or residential area: 4
(bb) Failure to yield right-of-way to person with a disability pursuant to section 42-4-808: 6
(cc) Failure to exercise due care for pedestrian pursuant to section 42-4-807: 4
(dd) A second or subsequent violation of section 42-2-101 (1) and (4): 6
(ee) Failure to maintain or show proof of insurance pursuant to section
42-4-1409: 4
(ff) Failure to observe high occupancy vehicle lane restrictions pursuant to section 42-4-1012: 0
(hh) Driving a motor vehicle while not wearing a seat belt in violation of section 42-2-105.5 (3): 2
(ii) Driving with more passengers than seat belts in violation of section 42-2-105.5(4): 2
(jj) Misuse of a cell phone while driving 42-4-239: 1
(kk) Driving with a passenger who is under 21 years of age or driving between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m. in violation of section 42-4-116: 2
*This content can be found in the Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 42-2-127, C.R.S.
We Can Help Protect Your Driving Privilege In Colorado
Avoid points and possible license suspension by meeting with a Colorado attorney experienced in fighting allegations of traffic crimes. 303-731-0719, has been defending those accused of traffic crimes for over 20 years. Contact us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.
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