Sex Offender Deregistration In Colorado
Sex Offender Deregistration In Colorado, C.R.S. 16-22-113
Sex offender registration under C.R.S. 16-22-103 is required in most sex offense convictions. This registration severely impairs a person’s job and housing opportunities. As a result, in some cases, Colorado law permits sex offenders to deregister. C.R.S. 16-22-113. Our experienced sex offender attorneys can help you understand this complicated area of Colorado law and can help you petition to discontinue registration as a sex offender.
General Time Frames By Sex Offense Classification
After varying time periods, some registered sex offenders are permitted to petition a judge for an order that will allow the sex offender to discontinue the requirement for registration and Internet posting. It is important to remember that registration must continue until the offender obtains a specific court order allowing the discontinuance of registration. Nothing happens in the deregistration world automatically. Don’t make the mistake that many offenders make and assume that since they are statutorily permitted to APPLY for an order to discontinue registration, they can quit registering automatically. It is also important to remember that some sex offenses require a lifetime of registration. If an offender qualifies, he or she may petition the court after the following time periods, which begin after the offender’s final release from the jurisdiction of court, and only if the offender has not subsequently been convicted of a sex offense:
- Felony 1, 2, 3 (if not a quarterly offense) = 20 years*
- Felony 4, 5, 6 or Misdemeanor 1 (Unlawful Sexual Contact, or Third-Degree Sexual Assault, as it existed prior to 7/1/00) = 10 years*
- Misdemeanor, not described above = Five years*
- Deferred judgment and sentence/adjudication = After successful completion of sentence and dismissal of case*
- Less than 18 years old at adjudication = Generally after successful completion of sentence*
- Posted on the Internet due to Failure to Register, per 18-3-412.5 (3.6)(a)(IV)(A), and has fully complied with all registration requirements for at least one year*
These time periods are not absolute and are subject to additional conditions that only an experienced sexual offense lawyer can evaluate. Nothing you read on this page is black and white, so don’t rely on this material alone. You simply must consult a lawyer. Nothing is a substitute for careful evaluation of your case by a lawyer. *A criminal charge, including a felony of failure to register, C.R.S. 18-3-412.5, will result if you stop sex offender registration without a specific court order allowing you to stop registration. Therefore, treat this matter with the greatest seriousness and consult one of our lawyers before changing course in your registration.
Don’t take any chances in the complicated area of sex offender deregistration. If you think you might qualify to discontinue sex offender registration, be smart and contact our experienced lawyers at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC, at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.