Attorney Fees For Criminal Cases
We offer reasonable fees for our skilled and experienced work as criminal defense attorneys. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case.
What Is The Cost To Retain A Criminal Defense Lawyer?
We price our work based on the time we expect to spend on your criminal case. Our attorney fees can be on an hourly basis or a flat fee. Most of our cases, however, are completed on a flat fee, so the cost is more affordable and predictable for our clients. Our desire is to get you the best possible outcome in your case. Therefore, we will work with you regarding the structure of your fees to ensure you get the help you need.
We don’t want to charge you for time you don’t use.
How Much Are Hourly Fees For Lawyers?
Hourly attorney fees vary depending on the experience level of the lawyer involved. Our rates are competitively priced for the Denver market. We also have one of the largest exclusively criminal defense law firms in the state of Colorado. The size of our firm enables us to have lawyers who charge different amounts. This helps ensure that you can find an affordable attorney for any case, from trespassing in Lakewood Municipal Court to sexual assault on a child in Jefferson County, Colorado.
What Are Flat Fees For Criminal Cases?
Flat fees offer predictability for our clients and remove concerns that the lawyer is performing work solely to generate fee income. They also make the case more affordable. Generally with flat fees, we will spend much more time on a case than the hourly equivalent. On the low end, we perform some traffic and municipal cases for a reduced rate. Complex sexual assault and mandatory prison felony cases will be on the higher end for our nontrial track. Nontrial track cases are those that are completed without the need for a trial. Complicated trials can take hundreds of hours of work. We don’t feel it is fair to charge a client for trial work that is never performed. So, we only charge for our trial track if the case proceeds to trial at arraignment. An estimated 80% of our cases do not proceed to trial. For this reason, we only charge clients for the nontrial track up front. This makes the case much more affordable than how many other law firms bill.
Some lawyers will charge a fee for the entire case, whether it goes to trial or not. Then, they apply pressure to the client to settle the case by plea bargain – effectively making more money because they get paid a higher fee but never go to trial. Trials take a lot of time to do correctly. Only if a case is set for motions hearing and trial, do we charge for the expected time to do the trial. As with hourly cases, the experience of the lawyer involved will influence the cost of a flat fee case. Also, the complexity of the case (time involved) will impact the flat fee cost.
Why Avoid The Cheapest Lawyer?
There used to be a motorcycle helmet commercial that advertised, “if you have a $10 head, get a $10 helmet.” The point was that your head is worth investing in. We feel the same way about your future and how negatively you could be affected when you are not represented well. We put our heart into defending you and treat you like family. We avoid shortcuts and do our homework on your case. With cheap lawyers, you often get what you pay for. Whether it is a lawyer who comes to court with five files and can’t even recognize you at court, or the lawyer who comes to court unprepared, your life is worthy of a competent attorney’s help. We don’t work out of our basement and meet you at a restaurant. We have offices and staff devoted to defending you. Your future, your criminal background check and your freedom are worth the investment.
Your life is worthy of a competent attorney’s help.
Why Are Costs And Expenses Extra?
Every case is different. Some cases require a private investigator to dig into an alleged victim’s past. Other cases require service of subpoenas on companies and witnesses. Complex matters sometimes require us to retain an expert on child interviews, an accountant, or a person familiar with intricate police policies and procedures. These experts can make a big difference with a jury. We don’t build the cost of experts into every case. Only those trials that need experts get experts. You should not have to pay a percentage of your fees to cover someone else’s problems.
How And When Are Legal Fees Paid?
We offer a free initial consultation in our office. This gives you a chance to interview us and talk about your case and circumstances. Sometimes it’s helpful to have the input of a trusted friend if you are in the middle of legal charges, so please feel free to bring a friend or family member. When you come in, you will learn about the court process, your charges and possible penalties. We will increase your understanding of the competing interests involved in your case, including those of the DA, alleged victim, police and judge. Once you decide to hire us, we accept cash, checks, money orders and all major credit cards.
Contact our law office at 303-731-0719 to meet with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys. Together, we can protect your future.