Firearms And Domestic Violence

Firearms And Domestic Violence In Arapahoe County, C.R.S. 18-6-801
Firearm Possession in Arapahoe County, Colorado, can be impacted by both federal and state laws if you have Domestic Violence charges or a conviction – a Colorado criminal defense attorney can help. You need a pro-gun lawyer to defend your Second Amendment gun rights, to ensure your self defense, to help you protect your family, and to keep you hunting. Domestic Violence charges in Sheridan, Englewood, and Centennial can be a serious threat to your gun rights. A conviction could mean you are no longer able to possess a pistol, shotgun, or rifle. Call us today at 303-731-0719 to set up a free consultation.
Denver Domestic Violence-Related Restraining Orders And Firearms
Under Colorado law, you cannot possess a firearm if you are under a protection/restraining order. C.R.S. 18-1-1001 restraining/protection orders are issued by the criminal court in every domestic violence case. These expire once your case is completely over – after probation or a dismissal. Beyond these criminal orders, many alleged victims obtain civil protection orders under C.R.S. 13-14-102, at the direction of government victim advocates. Our issue with these orders is that they are permanent and don’t expire when you are found not guilty at trial in your criminal case in Denver County. Even with this in mind, many civil judges use the allegations in a criminal case to make it more likely they will grant the civil restraining order. Colorado judges have a tendency to grant civil restraining orders even if the statute’s requirements are not fully met, out of fear that if they don’t grant the order, and something bad happens to the order applicant, the judge will be blamed.
Defense Attorney Explains Federal Law And Domestic Violence In Adams County
Federal law provides an important “domestic violence” definition that impacts firearm possession in Colorado or any other state. This definition involves any felony conviction or any act of physical violence between persons who have been intimate in Adams County. Finally, this definition involves standards of what constitutes a “conviction.” Multiple federal cases have wrestled with what a conviction is, due to differences from state to state and creative sentence agreements involving Colorado deferred prosecutions and deferred judgment and sentences. This is a complex area and you need an experienced, pro-gun defense attorney at your side if you have been charged. There are ways to structure a plea, if a plea is absolutely necessary, to protect your Second Amendment gun and firearm rights.
Douglas County’s Evidence Of Prior Acts of Domestic Violence
Liberal anti-gun advocates have made it easier in Colorado to convict someone for domestic violence under C.R.S. 18-6-801.5. This statute allows the government great latitude to bring in others who have accused you in the past of domestic violence. This way, the government can convict you based on allegations from the past and not just on the current allegations, if it has a weak case. Juries are impacted by prior accusations against you. It is NOT necessary that you were previously convicted of an act of domestic violence in Douglas County or Elbert County. The government simply needs to find someone who will accuse you of a prior act, and that will likely be admissible against you. You must have an experienced domestic violence attorney fighting for you.
Jefferson County Defense Lawyers Here To Protect Your Firearm Rights
If you value your firearms rights as we do, be smart when contacted by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department or city police officers in Golden, Lakewood, and Arvada. Exercise your right to remain silent and contact our experienced defense lawyers immediately at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.