Heroin Possession
Heroin Possession Denver, Colorado, Criminal Lawyer
A Denver drug substance is considered Schedule I when:
- It has a high potential for abuse.
- There is no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
- It lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision.
Heroin Is A Schedule I Substance In Jefferson County Colorado And Arapahoe County
If the Jefferson County, Colorado, court discovers a person is addicted to heroin based on a drug assessment, the court may sentence a person to go through a rehabilitation program rather than prison on the condition he or she completes the requirements of the program. We frequently represent clients charged with drug possession in Arapahoe and other Colorado counties. You need a full-time Denver criminal lawyer if you are charged with heroin possession.
Classes Of Heroin Possession Crimes In Douglas County, Colorado
Heroin possession (not sale) in Douglas County, Colorado, is serious, with sentencing to the Colorado Department of Corrections. All personal use possession is charged as a DF4 or Level 4 drug felony.
Heroin Distribution, Manufacturing Or Sale In Adams County
When Heroin is possessed for Distribution, Manufacturing or Sale in Adams County, the crime level is dependent on the quantity of heroin itself or components used to make the drug.
- Level 1 drug felony when more than 225 grams of a schedule 1 or 2 controlled substance or more than 112 grams of Heroin, methamphetamine, cathinone, or ketamine is in your possession for sale.
- Level 2 drug felony when more than 14 grams to 225 grams of a schedule 1 or 2 controlled substance is in your possession; or an amount from 7 grams up to 112 grams of heroin, methamphetamine, cathinone or ketamine is in your possession for distribution.
- Level 3 drug felony, level 4 drug felony, and level 1 drug misdemeanor possession from manufacturing will all go down in steps.
Section 18-18-405, C.R.S.
Heroin Sentencing In Arapahoe County, Colorado
A DF1, or drug felony 1, has a possible prison sentence of up to 32 years. A DF2, or drug felony 2, can result in up to an 8-year prison sentence. Colorado’s DF3, or drug felony 3, can result in up to four years in the Colorado Department of Corrections. Finally, a DF4, or drug felony 4, is possibly up to one year. These Heroin drug crimes are also federal crimes, where penalties are even more severe.
A repeat offense will dramatically increase the amount of time served.
Contact Us
Contact a Colorado lawyer who has experience fighting possession of heroin charges for personal use and those for the sale, distribution and manufacture of Heroin. Our drug defense lawyers have been defending our clients against allegations of controlled substance possession for over 25 years in Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson County, Colorado. If you or a loved one has been contacted by the police regarding heroin possession, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call the Sawyer Legal Group, LLC, at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.