Illegal Discharge Of A Firearm
Colorado Illegal Discharge Of A Firearm Attorney
Knowingly or recklessly discharging a firearm into an occupied structure, house, or occupied motor vehicle constitutes an Illegal Discharge of a Firearm in Denver. If the bullet from the gun or firearm simply wedges itself into a roof’s shingle and causes no damage to the house, it is still considered going “into” the house. With cars and trucks, a similar rule applies: a bullet does not need to enter the passenger compartment; simply being lodged into a side panel is enough to constitute illegal discharge. This law was originally created to prevent and punish drive-by and road rage shootings from occurring. If accused, the defendant will be charged with a Class 5 felony. A guilty conviction of a Class 5 felony can result in one to three years in Colorado Department of Corrections under 18-12-107.5, C.R.S.
Accidental Shooting While Cleaning A Handgun In Douglas County
Douglas County’s illegal discharge of a firearm charges can arise from all sorts of events. One previous client was charged with Illegal discharge of a firearm because her gun went off while she was cleaning it. The bullet exited her home and entered a neighbor’s home, through a common wall. We have seen this occur in an apartment complex as well. Illegal discharge charges can arise out of everyday mistakes, and it is important to have a Colorado lawyer who will take a personal interest in your case and prove your innocence. Having an Illegal Discharge of a Firearm conviction from Castle Rock or Parker could hurt your chances of a future job or housing. When looking at a background investigation, future employers may not be able to distinguish between an Illegal Discharge of a Firearm conviction from a drive-by shooting and an accidental event.
Arapahoe County And Adams County Lawyer For Illegal Discharge Of A Firearm Charges
Know your rights concerning firearms and weapons use. An accident should not make you a felon. We know your gun rights are very important and you should not lose them over an accident. If interested in learning more concerning firearms law or criminal charges, we have the answers for you. Sawyer Legal Group, LLC, has been aggressively defending second amendment rights for over a decade in Jefferson County and other Colorado counties. If you or a loved one has been contacted by the police regarding illegal discharge of a firearm in Colorado, be smart, exercise the right to remain silent, and contact us or call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.