Possession Of An Illegal Or Dangerous Weapon
Denver Defense Lawyer For Illegal Or Dangerous Weapon Possession Charges
Police will think the worst of you if they discover you are in Possession of Illegal or Dangerous Weapon in Denver, Colorado. Because dangerous weapons law in Colorado involves many variables and is ever-changing, it is important to have a Denver Defense Lawyer who understands the implications of your charges and defenses to counter unfair or excessive government allegations.
Our team of experienced Defense Attorneys have defended many people who have been charged with weapons crimes throughout Colorado. To schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help you and start building your defense, please contact us online today.
Understanding Weapons Charges In Arapahoe County
There are two categories of weapons that are illegal to possess in Colorado; Dangerous Weapons and Illegal Weapons. Possession of these weapons can result in serious charges in Arapahoe County.
Definition of Dangerous Weapons in Jefferson County
First, Colorado law has defined a “Dangerous Weapon” to mean a:
- Firearm silencer
- Machine gun
- Short shotgun (shorter than 18 inches)
- Short rifle (shorter than 16 inches), or
- Ballistic knife
Possession of a dangerous weapon in Jefferson County can lead to charges of a Class 5 felony, with a sentence of one to three years in the Colorado Department of Corrections (prison). Repeat offenders (two or more dangerous weapons offenses) possessing a dangerous weapon in Denver or another Colorado county will be charged with a Class 4 felony, potentially resulting in a two- to six-year sentence to the Colorado Department of Corrections (8 years for an extraordinary risk crime). C.R.S. 18-12-102. Generally, any weapon that has been modified after being legally manufactured is susceptible to being classified as a Colorado dangerous weapon. Therefore, don’t take a chance in Lakewood, Colorado of possessing a dangerous weapon.
Definition Of Illegal Weapons In Adams County
The second category of an unlawful weapon in Colorado is an “Illegal Weapon.” Its definition includes:
- Blackjack
- Gas gun
- Metallic knuckles
- Gravity knife, or
- Switchblade knife
C.R.S. 18-12-102. Less serious than Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, Possession of an Illegal Weapon in Colorado is a Class 1 misdemeanor. A Class 1 misdemeanor has a maximum penalty of 18 months in the Adams County Jail. Sometimes, our clients innocently possess brass knuckles or a switch-blade knife as a souvenir from Mexico or other country. Unfortunately, any possession of these illegal weapons can impact a person’s future for a lifetime with a criminal record. There are rare exceptions to illegal weapons charges, so it is best to never bring souvenirs of this type into Commerce City, Thornton, or Federal Heights.
Douglas County Weapons Conviction Effects
Your future in the job and housing market can be impacted in Douglas County by a Possession of a Dangerous Weapon or Illegal Weapon conviction. Most employers will conduct a criminal history background check. We are able to minimize or eliminate a harmful criminal history by working in advance of trial or a plea with Colorado District Attorneys and judges. With over 60 combined years of experience fighting exaggerated charges, our attorneys have the tools to protect your job and housing future against the negative effects of a Weapons Conviction.
Contact A Colorado Criminal Defense Attorney For Weapons Charges
If you or a loved one has been contacted by Colorado police regarding possession of an illegal or dangerous weapon, or has been arrested and charged with Possession of Dangerous or Illegal Weapons, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call an Experienced Defense Attorney at 303-731-0719 for a free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your future.