Cruelty To Animals In Colorado, C.R.S. 18-9-202
Denver, Colorado, Cruelty To Animals And Animal Abuse Lawyer
Cruelty to Animals is similar to Animal Abuse and involves harm to domestic animals like cats, dogs and hamsters. It can also include harsh conditions for farm animals such as horses, cattle and hens. All animals come under this law. Contact our cruelty to animals lawyers for help with your charges.
Definition Of Cruelty To Animals In Jefferson And Arapahoe County, Colorado
Under Jefferson and Arapahoe County, Colorado law, you can be charged with cruelty to animals if you overdrive, overload, overwork, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, beat, house improperly, confine in a car improperly, have sex with, mistreat, neglect or improperly feed an animal. C.R.S. 18-9-202. This extensive list leaves little conduct involving your animal, which can escape the long arm of Colorado police or animal rights activists. This charge can result in a misdemeanor or Class 5 felony and imprisonment. At a minimum, an extensive probation sentence will be imposed upon conviction.
Douglas And Adams County Cruelty To Animals Examples By Animal Control
We frequently see charges of Cruelty to Animals involving animals left in cars when the temperature in the car is too high. Summer temperatures involve concerns that dogs and cats might be harmed by being left in the car with windows up. We also see cruelty to animal charges in Douglas and Adams County when someone fails to feed his or her pet, or hits or kicks an animal. In a recent case, a small dog bit our client and he swatted the animal. Charges usually accompany visits by Animal Control officers, who should never be allowed inside your home or yard. Speaking with them is the same as speaking with a police officer. Don’t give any statements to Animal Control officers.
If you have been contacted by police or animal control, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.