Gambling And Casino Crimes
Central City Casino And Gambling Crimes, Colorado Defense Attorney
We often see clients charged with crimes related to gambling at casinos in Central City, Colorado. Casinos like the Golden Gates Casino or the Century Casino and Hotel Central City want to protect themselves against charges, but they also want to get as much money out of their patrons as possible. They will charge patrons with any crimes that they can. In a recent case at Johnny Z’s Casino in Central City, a customer was charged with stealing from the casino for playing only $2 of abandoned credits. He faced high fines, probation, community service, FBI criminal background and fingerprinting, and a temporary ban from casinos. Cases like these will be filed by the district attorneys in the Gilpin and Teller County at the district court or at the county court. Don’t let a small mistake like this affect your future – contact an experienced defense attorney today to set up a free initial consultation.
Underage Gambling In Black Hawk, Colorado | C.R.S. 12-47.1-809
Common Black Hawk casino charges relate to underage gaming/gambling when people under twenty-one (21) years old try to gamble. C.R.S. 12-47.1-809 makes it a class 2 misdemeanor for any person to linger in, sit in a chair, play or be present at a slot machine or gaming table in a gaming area at the Ameristar Casino Resort Spa or the Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk. If a licensee permits a person under 18 to be present or play gaming, the statute says they can be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, C.R.S. 18-6-701, which is a felony.
Forgery & Fraudulent Acts Crimes At Cripple Creek, Colorado Casinos
Casino-based crimes in Gilpin County and Teller County, Colorado are unique because they generally arise from the desire of young adults to gamble or drink alcohol – not to steal. The young adults visiting Cripple Creek casinos like the Wildwood Casino or Double Eagle Hotel & Casino often face felony forgery charges under C.R.S. 18-5-102 for possession of a fake or false ID. They have presented the ID in order to get alcohol or permission to gamble in the casino. These crimes are not committed in order to take something of value from another, so we feel they should be treated less seriously by the government than other felonies – however this is not always the case.
When something more than use of a fake ID is involved, police in casino towns will often charge fraudulent acts, C.R.S. 12-47.1-823, which concerns a broad series of crimes dealing with fraudulent conduct (cheating) at a casino. Many crimes under the Colorado fraudulent acts statute deal with trying to claim a prize when no prize is due, or trying to claim more than is due. Others involve knowledge of the outcome of a game prior to other players realizing the outcome, and then trying to reduce one’s bet, withdraw one’s bet, or increase one’s bet. Casinos also rely on this statute when players seek to even the odds, and have a greater chance of winning against the house.
Defense Lawyer For Colorado Casino And Gambling-Related Offenses
You’ll want an experienced defense lawyer if you are charged with a casino/gambling offense in Colorado. Here are several other miscellaneous crimes specific to gambling in casinos in Black-Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek:
- C.R.S. 18-20-104 – False Statement on Application for Gaming License/Records
- C.R.S. 18-20-105 – Slot Machines
- C.R.S. 18-20-106 – Cheating (means altering the result of winning or amount)
- C.R.S. 18-20-107 – Fraudulent Acts Related to Gaming
- C.R.S. 18-20-108 – Use of Device of Calculating Probabilities
- C.R.S. 18-20-109 – Use of Counterfeit or Unapproved Chips, Tokens, Coins, Devices
- C.R.S. 18-20-110 – Cheating Games and Devices
- C.R.S. 18-20-111 – Unlawful Manufacture, Sale, Distribution of Equipment or Devices
- C.R.S. 18-20-112 – Unlawful Entry by Blacklisted, Excluded and Ejected Persons (Trespass)
- C.R.S. 18-20-113 – Personal Pecuniary Gain or Conflict of Interest
- C.R.S. 18-20-114 – False or Misleading Information
To ensure that only casinos sponsor gambling activity, the following laws prevent private persons from being involved in the gambling business in places other than the casinos in Black-Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek:
- C.R.S. 18-10-103 – Professional Gambling Offenses
- C.R.S. 18-10-104 – Gambling Devices, Records and Proceeds
- C.R.S. 18-10-105 – Possession of a Gambling Device or Record
- C.R.S. 18-10-106 – Gambling Information
- C.R.S. 18-10-107 – Gambling Premises
Gilpin County And Teller County Defense Attorney For Gambling Charges
If you have been charged with a crime like fraudulent acts in a casino in Gilpin County or Teller County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and call the experienced gambling crimes defense attorneys at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.