Jail And Prison Information
Colorado County Jails, Prisons And Community Corrections
County jails throughout Colorado are run by the county sheriff, and house inmates immediately following their arrest. Except in unusual circumstances, inmates will only stay at the jail on a felony case until their sentencing, when they can be sent to prison. In many instances, both felony convictions and misdemeanor convictions result in a sentence to probation, and no further jail or prison time. If the accused in a misdemeanor case is convicted and sentenced to serve in custody time, they will serve it in a county jail. Misdemeanor charges and convictions differ from felony charges and convictions based on the possible place of incarceration when serving an in-custody sentence.
Here is a list of the principal county jails in the Denver area where we visit and conduct attorney / lawyer jail visits each day:
- Adams County Jail, Brighton, Colorado
- Arapahoe County Jail, Centennial, Colorado
- Boulder County Jail, Boulder, Colorado
- Broomfield County Jail, Broomfield, Colorado
- Denver County Jail, Denver, Colorado
- Douglas County Jail, Castle Rock, Colorado
- Jefferson County Jail, Golden, Colorado
- Larimer County Jail, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Weld County Jail, Greeley, Colorado
The Colorado Prison System
The Colorado prison system is responsible for housing persons with felony convictions, or “felons”. The prison system is run by the Colorado Department of Corrections. While there are some fine people working in the system, many are unresponsive government workers, so be patient when calling.
Prison sentences are generally longer than a county jail sentence, and can be for a lifetime. Capital crimes like Homicide and many sex offenses result in lifetime sentences. With sex offenses, these are called “indeterminate” sentences, because their is no release date for an inmate / felon. Inmates within the Colorado prison sentence can be located with the prison system’s Inmate Locator.
Colorado Community Corrections
In some cases, an alternative sentence by the court to Community Corrections is the best alternative. We generally pursue this option when our client’s case is more serious due to the nature of the offense or a lengthy criminal history. While avoiding any incarceration is always our first priority, if we feel prison is a reasonable possibility, we want to provide the judge with Community Corrections as a possible alternative.
We invite you to look over the many pages under this section on our web site which detail a person’s entry into the jail or prison sentence, through their release. As always, please call of one of our experienced criminal defense lawyers if we can assist you with specific questions. You can reach us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.
- DNA Expungement
- Inmate Communication
- Introducing Contraband
- Jail and Prison Life
- Jail Intake / Entry
- Jail Visit by a Lawyer
- Parole from Prison
- Parole Revocation Hearings
- Prison & Department of Corrections
- Work Release From Jail