Minor In Possession Of Alcohol

Denver Minor In Possession Of Alcohol (MIP) Attorney
At times it seems like underage drinking isn’t “that big of a deal,” but it becomes a big deal when news headlines talk about minors involved in car wrecks and poisoning themselves with alcohol. It’s during these trying times when the law suddenly makes more sense. Any person under 21 years of age in Colorado who possesses or consumes ethyl alcohol anywhere in the state commits illegal possession or consumption of ethyl alcohol by an underage person. And this illegal possession or consumption is a strict liability offense (C.R.S.18-13-122). Staying in a compromising situation because you are waiting for medical assistance for a friend is a viable defense. A minor in possession accusation can arise from something as small as a single beer.
Protect your future; call us at 303-731-0719.
While a first conviction isn’t that serious, a second conviction can double the court fees involved. A third conviction becomes a class 2 misdemeanor and can result in jail time in Arapahoe, Douglas and Jefferson County. Colorado is concerned with the safety of its minors; the 21 and older law is in place as a means to curb underage substance dependence and abuse. Many believe alcohol is the gateway drug. Because of society’s general acceptance, and popularity with those older than 21, minors are more likely to try ethyl alcohol before they try any other substance.
Colorado Minor In Possession Lawyer
Our lawyers understand the importance of following this law. A child of one of our attorneys had to learn the lesson the hard way, undergoing plenty of community service hours and fines. An MIP ticket can seriously affect your child’s future chances at scholarships, campus opportunities and careers. We’ve protected minors in Larimer, Boulder, Denver, Weld County and other Colorado counties against minor in possession accusations.
If you or your child has been contacted by the police and is being charged as a minor in possession (MIP), don’t talk with them. Exercise the right to remain silent and contact Sawyer Legal Group, LLC, at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.