Child Abuse
Denver Child Abuse Criminal Lawyer
When Colorado lawyers refer to child abuse, they refer to one of a group of Colorado statutes that deals with child abuse. Here is a listing of the standard child abuse charges people are charged within Denver, Colorado, and nearby in Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, Weld County and Adams County:
— The Felony Child Abuse C.R.S. 18-6-401(7)(a), usually involves a person
causing an injury to a child’s life or health, or allowing a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation that poses a threat of injury to the child’s life or health. Generally, people are charged with this offense in Arapahoe County, Colorado and nearby Denver County, Douglas County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, Weld County and Adams County, when there are allegations of a parent physically abusing his or her child. This crime is closely related to Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, another charge that can be a felony.
— The Misdemeanor Child Abuse C.R.S. 18-6-401(7)(a)(VI) and (7)(b), usually
involves a person causing any injury to a child other than serious bodily injury. We have seen people charged with this offense in Arapahoe County, Colorado and nearby Denver County, Douglas County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, Weld County and Adams County when their children are asleep and the parents are involved in an argument that turns physical, even if the children never wake up or see anything.
— The Dependency and Neglect from Child Abuse C.R.S. 19-1-303. In
Colorado, the legislature mandates that many professionals report suspicions of child abuse to the police or Human Services (Social Services). Additionally, Colorado police regularly report suspicions of child abuse to Human Services (Social Services). With this reporting, Human Services (Social Services) often feels compelled to take the information it has received and open a case with Colorado courts. These cases are collectively known as Dependency and Neglect (D&N) matters. A Dependency and Neglect matter usually begins with children being taken into custody by Human Services (Social Services) and placed in foster care.
Our office frequently sees both misdemeanor and felony child abuse charges from events common in most families’ lives. Police will charge a parent with this crime if a young child leaves home without the knowledge of a parent and is seen outside unsupervised. If drugs are used in a household where children reside, the police will charge the parents or caretakers with child abuse. When a child is taken to the hospital for an injury such as a broken arm or a burn, medical personnel are likely to contact the police and suggest that child abuse charges be filed.
Whatever the alleged crime, if you have been charged with child abuse, the sooner you get a Colorado criminal defense lawyer on your side, the more options you will have for a favorable outcome. Often, a skilled attorney can prevent charges from ever being filed by acting promptly to communicate with the police, witnesses, or alleged victim.
Talk to a Colorado Criminal Child Abuse Attorney at No Charge About Your Colorado Criminal Child Abuse Matter ◦ Flexible Payment Plans
In the face of an arrest or a child abuse investigation, you must find the most capable and dedicated Colorado defense attorney/lawyer available to gain confidence and hope. Speak with a criminal attorney who is prepared and experienced to protect your constitutional rights. Contact Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-731-0719, to schedule a free initial consultation with a criminal defense lawyer/attorney who defends clients against child abuse charges in the Denver area and nearby in Arapahoe County, Douglas County, Jefferson County, Larimer County, Weld County, Adams County and throughout Colorado. We have flexible payment plans so that you and your family can hire qualified and experienced professionals during these difficult times.