When Can I Get a Friend Out of Jail in Arapahoe County? When you can get a friend out of jail in Arapahoe County depends on the type of crime. Some criminal cases are seen as higher risk, so they require extra care. This might include the posting of a bond, a...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
How To Get Someone Out of Jail – Fast Release from the Arapahoe County Jail After Arrested
Arrested Person Release from the Denver County Jail When your friend is arrested and taken to the Denver County Jail, you want to know your options fast. Release of an inmate from jail is normally accomplished by posting a bond or bail. Bond amounts are decided by a...
How to Get Someone Out of Jail – Denver Lawyer Best Way to Bond or Bail Someone Out?
How to Get Someone Out of the Jefferson County Jail in Golden We hate it when someone we like is in jail. They are relying on us to get them out of a Jefferson County Jail or the Denver County Jail, and the best way to do this is confusing. Yet how do you do it? How...
Introducing Contraband Into Jail Colorado Lawyer, C.R.S. 18-8-203 | Items Which are Contraband
Introducing Contraband Attorney for the Arapahoe County Jail and the Douglas County Jail If you try and mail or otherwise sneak in a prohibited item to the Arapahoe County Jail or the Douglas County Jail, you will be charged in court with Introducing Contraband in the...
Why Jail Calls are a District Attorney and Police Officer’s Dream
Inmate Phone Calls are Always Recorded When our clients are in the Denver County Jail, the Jefferson County Jail, or the Adams County Jail, they experience difficult emotions surrounding their charges, their living arrangements and weakened family ties. Police and...
Colorado County Jails – Inmate Health Problems Ignored
I am not totally blind to the economic realities of this world. We can't afford to give first class medical care to inmates in Jefferson, Boulder and Adams County Jails. But, I am see life threatening conditions given minimal medical treatment. It is what Sheriffs all...
Denver County Jail – Government at its Worst
We frequently hear stories of great inefficiency at the Denver County Jail (Detention Facility), Denver Colorado. Today's story is no exception, just worse. Recently, a client turned himself in on a traffic / misdemeanor warrant with a small cash bond out of a Denver...
Introducing Contraband in Jail / Prison – C.R.S. 18-8-203, 204
Did you know you could be charged with Introducing Contraband in the Second Degree, a class 6 felony, if you give a woman an uncancelled postage stamp while she is in the custody of a Denver, Arapahoe, or Jefferson County, C.R.S. 18-8-204(2)(d)? It is true,...
Colorado Jail and Prison – What is the Difference?
Colorado Jails and Prisons Those not familiar with the Colorado judicial system are often confused about the differences between a county jail and a Colorado prison in counties like Denver, Jefferson, and Arapahoe County. There are many differences between any...