The Colorado Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender statute, C.R.S. 18-12-108, is a good example of a law that would have been unthinkable a couple of generations ago. Public opinion, mostly influenced by news commentators, has played a major role in shifting...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: September 2014
Theft Charges Denver Attorney, C.R.S. 18-4-401
Theft, C.R.S. 18-4-401, cases in Colorado can be very burdensome to manage and require the help of an experienced Denver criminal lawyer to help. Law enforcement officers in Lone Tree, Lakewood, and Parker are quick to charge a person with Theft without having proof...
Victims Call First and Win the Race to Lazy Police
Did you know that the winner of the race to call the police first is generally going to be the "victim" in the police department's eyes? The problem is, wimps, whiners and people with no spine call the police as a matter of habit to solve their problems. You've heard...
Menacing Charges in Colorado? You Need a Lawyer
Generally, Menacing involves placing someone in fear of serious bodily injury. This can occur by threat or by physical action. The Menacing statute, C.R.S. 18-3-206, requires that the person who places the victim in fear have a "knowing" mental state. More...
Bullying and Over Charging by District Attorneys
We frequently see District Attorneys overcharge clients at the outset of a case. It is a bit frustrating, but we've learned to accept it. Today there is a new trend, however, and it smells like bullying. A Recent Example of District Attorney Bullying When a defendant...
Misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact Charges Can Become a Felony
Even I am sometimes surprised at how a misdemeanor charge like Unlawful Sexual Contact can become a felony in Denver, Arapahoe or Jefferson County. This crime normally involves touching someone else's intimate parts without their permission. For example, imagine a...
Lawyer for Prohibited Use of Weapons in Denver, C.R.S. 18-12-106
Prohibited Use of Weapons is a crime in Douglas, Denver and Arapahoe County. If facing charges, you should know what Prohibited Use of Weapons means and what it does not mean. This charge can be filed against you for being drunk with a gun, pointing a gun at another...
Why Plea Bargain with District Attorneys in a Colorado Court?
I think the general consensus of people living in the Denver Metro area is that when someone accepts a Plea Bargain from District Attorneys, the person must be guilty of something worse. I do not believe this is true, especially in serious felony Sexual Assault...
DUI / DWAI: Persistent Drunk Drivers in Colorado
Colorado lawmakers have done it again, by classifying people who have a DUI or DWAI with a name which doesn't have any connection to the label's ordinary meaning. "Persistent" implies more than one time, or over and over, right? Not in case of a DUI / DWAI. Who Can be...
Harassment, C.R.S. 18-9-111, Cases in Douglas County Rearing Their Ugly Head
Harassment charges in Douglas, Arapahoe, and Denver County require the aid of a criminal defense lawyer. This statute is very broad and covers a multitude of alleged offenses. When you are charged with striking someone (especially if it is Domestic Violence), saying a...