Police want convictions and have the tools to arrest and charge you in Denver of DUI / DWAI, particularly if you make it easy for them. You can do this by forgetting what you are required and not required to do when stopped and accused of drinking and driving. First,...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: February 2014
Public Indecency in Colorado, C.R.S. 18-7-301
Public Indecency (C.R.S. 18-7-301) is considered a minor offense, but it can be a major problem if you are charged in Aurora, Littleton, or Parker Colorado. These municipalities all have laws prohibiting Public Indecency. Even if a person is not charged in city court,...
In a Criminal Case, Do Desperate People Do Desperate Things?
Yes, sometimes desperate people act irrationally, like trying to make something happen in their Assault, Harassment or Domestic Violence criminal case. Generally, this results in a violation of the Protection / Restraining Order charge, the commission of a new...
Colorado Criminal Impersonation, C.R.S. 18-5-113
This Colorado crime can only be charged when 1) someone pretends to be another person, and then 2) does something on a prohibited list, while in that "pretend" capacity. In its definition, Criminal Impersonation includes a list of all the prohibited things which...
Is an “Attempt to Commit a Crime” so Bad?
"Well, I didn't actually do it." I've heard this before when new clients come to my office. What they don't realize is that Attempt to commit a crime can be nearly as bad as doing it. Imagine the bank robber caught in the act. Or picture the employee caught forging a...
Sexting and Texting with Pictures of Nudity
The Sexting craze continues, as kids think they are in a private setting when sending nude or naked pictures of themselves to friends over cell phones. In reality, they are inter-connected to a spider-web of thousands of cell phones and internet sites all over the...
Social Services / Department of Human Services Trails Database Listing
Social Services is now called the Department of Human Services in Colorado. Social Services had such a bad reputation that it was time for a name change. Each county in our state, from Mesa County on the west, to Cheyenne County on the east, to Larimer County on the...
Child Abuse and the DHS Trails System
Most mothers would die for their children without giving it a second thought. Yet, good mothers sometimes end up getting charged with Child Abuse in Denver, Jefferson and Arapahoe County. How can that happen? The Typical Basis for Charges Generally, we see mothers...
Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child – Really?
I freely admit that I sometimes take Colorado law to the extreme. That's because "truth is stranger than fiction", as the saying goes. Take Colorado's Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, for example. Detailed at C.R.S. 18-3-405.4, this law says it is a class 4...
Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-6-403
Clients are sometimes confused trying to understand what Sexual Exploitation of a Child actually is. So, I thought it would be worthwhile to explain what it takes to be charged with this crime in Denver, Jefferson, or Adams County. Most of the language in the Colorado...