Theft cases under Colorado law (C.R.S. 18-4-401) vary in their degree of difficulty and punishment and require a skilled criminal defense attorney to help navigate the legal system in Denver, Douglas, and Arapahoe County. Theft charges can be filed against you for a...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: June 2015
Sex Offender Deregistration Lawyer in Denver
Jefferson and Douglas County courts allow people required to register on the sex offender registry to complete Sex Offender Deregistration after a specified time. The time period calculation is based on the class level of the underlying conviction. Unfortunately, the...
Criminal Mischief Attorneys in Denver
The crime of Criminal Mischief in Arapahoe, Douglas, and Denver County is basically defined as the destruction of someone else's property. Even if the property is owned by you, but you are married or living with another person, the police can still charge you with a...
Third Degree Assault Charges in Denver? You Need an Attorney
Have you ever grabbed someone by the arm? Have you ever pushed someone away from you? Or have you ever been so upset with another person that you have punched them? If you answered yes to any of these situations, you could be facing charges of Third Degree Assault. In...
Traffic Law: Leaving the Scene of An Accident in Denver
The crime of Leaving the Scene of an Accident, or Hit and Run, can be charged with the risk of a heavy prison sentence, if a person is involved in a collision or automobile accident leaves the scene, and a person in either vehicle suffers serious bodily injury or...
Three Types of Police Officers in Denver
To fully understand the point I want to make, imagine yourself as one of many Denver area police officers. You have been hired at the Denver Police Department to enforce laws, hence the term "law enforcement officer." If you catch a bad guy before he talks to a...
Disorderly Conduct or Menacing With a Gun in Traffic – Pueblo County?
A recent Colorado Supreme Court opinion was of interest to the criminal defense lawyers at the O'Malley Law Office. The high court was asked to examine a lower court trial in Pueblo where a man was convicted of two counts of Menacing after the trial court refused to...
Internet Luring of a Child Can be Unconstitutional
Internet Luring of a Child, located at C.R.S. 18-3-306, is a harsh sexual crime which raises the first amendment as a possible defense involving constitutional free speech. Why? Because this crime's terms outlaw discussions with kids NOT intended to result in sexual...
Crazy Results from Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child, 18-3-405.4
Like so many sexual crimes in Denver and Jefferson County, within the definition of key terms you can see the problem with Colorado's Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child law. The Definition of Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child "An actor commits internet...
Criminal Case: Colorado’s Orgainized Crime Control Act
COCCA = Colorado Orgainized Crime Control Act Colorado has an organized crime control act, located at C.R.S. 18-17-102. That sounds good, right? We want to keep gangs from ruling our state. Like all good laws in Denver and Arapahoe Count, however, the facts of some...