Probation sentences in Denver, and throughout Colorado, can be considered a favorable outcome when convicted of a criminal offense. As an alternative to time spent in jail or prison, a strict set of rules and guidelines often accompany a probation sentence. Some...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation in Denver, Colorado
What is Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation in Denver? Sex Offenders have the strictest and most highly supervised probation in comparison to any others Colorado crimes. The Sex Offender Management Board does not want to be blamed if someone reoffends, and...
Denver Lawyer for Violation of Probation & Revocation Complaints
Probation Violation In Denver and Arapahoe County If you are convicted of a criminal defense in Denver, Colorado, jail is not always the only option. Probation is sometimes sentenced in place of time spent in jail or prison (This can be confused with parole, which is...
Probation Officers Have Virtually Unlimited Power in Denver, Colorado
Denver Probation Officers Have Tremendous Power It should not be this way, but I am reminded daily of the virtually limitless power possessed by probation officers in Denver, Colorado. These people have little education, no legal training, and are not always the...
Probation Revocation and Probation Officers in Denver and Jefferson County
Jefferson County and Denver Probation Officers & Revocation While you are on Probation in Denver and Jefferson County, Colorado, you will be under the supervision and monitoring of a Probation Officer, or "PO". This supervision is an extension of the court, and...
Probation and Dogs that Bite: Understanding a Denver Probation Officer
Denver Probation and Probation Revocation Complaint When your dog bites someone, should he be trusted to roam freely? No, he needs to be taught not to bite people and carefully controlled in the process. After all, as his owner, you are responsible for civil losses...
Colorado Probation Sentence Lawyer, C.R.S. 18-1.3-202 | How to Survive a Sentence
Probation Requirements are Not all the Same in Douglas and Jefferson County, Colorado It is not easy to survive every probation sentence in Jefferson County and Douglas County, Colorado. To do well on probation, the first thing you should know is that not all...
Probation in Arapahoe County and Douglas County – What Terms and Conditions of Probation are Legal?
Probation Terms and Conditions in Arapahoe County and Douglas County - What is Legal and Illegal? Sometimes people wonder what an Arapahoe County judge can legally require them to do while on Probation. In reality, the scope of Douglas County probation terms and...
Revocation of Deferred Judgment or Probation Revocation – Adams Lawyer Explains
A Deferred Judgment and Probation Can Both be Revoked - An Adams County Attorney Says, "Be Careful" Deferred judgments are a great resolution of a case if the district attorney had a good case against you. Rather than likely lose at trial, entering into a contract...
Probation Violation Lawyer & Probation Revocation Attorney in Denver and Jefferson County
Denver Probation Violations and Revocation Hearings Attorney - You Could Be Resentenced When your probation officer alleges that you have not kept the terms and conditions of your probation, you will likely be arrested, forced to post a bond, and be scheduled for a...