Drivers who are even slightly affected by alcohol or drugs can face DWAI charges in Arapahoe County. While this is most often a misdemeanor, penalties can include county jail time, fines, community service, and points against your driver's license. As a holiday...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Driving While Ability Impaired in Adams County | The Slightest Degree
Driving while ability impaired in Adams County, Colorado involves operating a motor vehicle when affected by alcohol or drugs. Even if you are only impaired in the slightest degree, DWAI charges can follow. Jail time, fines, points against your license, and community...
Why a Happy Hour stop could lead to a DUI charge
Plenty of responsible, upstanding adults in Colorado occasionally stop off for a happy hour drink. They might enjoy a cocktail or cold beer after a stressful day on the job. Some establishments have specials that are nearly impossible to resist. Happy hour can be a...
What can drivers do when they encounter sobriety checkpoints?
Colorado police officers can stop individuals in traffic if they believe those drivers are under the influence. Signs of intoxication, such as unreasonable speeds or frequent swerving, may justify a traffic stop and even an arrest. Other times, police officers test...
Aggravating factors that can turn a DUI into a felony in Colorado
You might have the impression that a DUI or DWAI charge is not as big of a deal as Colorado criminal law goes. It's true that both are misdemeanors, but that still means jail time is a possibility, along with a large fine, community service and losing your driver's...
Can drivers challenge field sobriety test results during a trial?
There are typically several types of evidence supporting a prosecutor's case when they file driving under the influence (DUI) charges against a Colorado motorist. Frequently, police officers have breath test results and field sobriety tests supporting their claim that...
Silence is the Best Policy During a DUI/DWAI Stop
Seeing the flashing lights of a police car in your rearview mirror can be one of the most unsettling experiences for a motorist, regardless of whether they have been drinking. But if you consumed alcohol before driving, the way you interact with police after being...
Advancements in Auto Tech May Prevent Drunk Driving
Like many Americans, you enjoy a night out after a long week of working. Nothing relieves stress quite like a few drinks with friends at your favorite bar. Though you feel sober enough to drive home, your blood alcohol content (BAC) might be over the legal limit. How...
Part 3 of our DUI / DWAI blog facts: 8. Don't Help the Denver Police and DA Convict You: Although you need to take the Express Consent BAC test following your arrest, you don't have to do many things in Denver, which can only help get you convicted: Don't answer...
In a continuation of our last DUI / DWAI blog: 4. Being Over The Legal Limit of 0.08 BAC is Not Necessarily Drunk in Douglas County: Most people think that if you blow over 0.08 (the legal limit for BAC in Colorado) that you are drunk. Not true. Many people can...