We frequently see District Attorneys overcharge clients at the outset of a case. It is a bit frustrating, but we've learned to accept it. Today there is a new trend, however, and it smells like bullying. A Recent Example of District Attorney Bullying When a defendant...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
District Attorneys
Why Plea Bargain with District Attorneys in a Colorado Court?
I think the general consensus of people living in the Denver Metro area is that when someone accepts a Plea Bargain from District Attorneys, the person must be guilty of something worse. I do not believe this is true, especially in serious felony Sexual Assault...
District Attorneys Have Robbed Us and Our Kids
When Colorado District Attorneys charge men and women with Sexual Assault on a Child based solely on the word of a child, they change the way we must operate around kids. We cannot afford to offer physical affection to children who are not our own - and must be very...
District Attorneys as Prosecutors Have Special Responsibilities
You may not always know it when seeing them in court, but District Attorneys have special rules regulating their conduct in a felony or misdemeanor case, like Forgery, C.R.S. 18-5-102, in Denver, Arapahoe and Jefferson County. If they violate these rules, a prosecutor...