The illegal discharge of a firearm law in Jefferson County, Colorado makes it unlawful to fire a gun into an occupied building or vehicle. This charge often results from someone accidentally shooting a round from their gun while cleaning the weapon or showing it to...

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Illegal Discharge of a Firearm

Illegally Discharging Firearms in Weld County | Homes, Buildings, and Cars
Illegally discharging firearms in Weld County, Colorado can come with steep penalties. Whether a person is accused of firing a gun into someone's home, a building, or another's car, the need for a skilled defense attorney by their side couldn't be higher. There are...
Illegal Discharge of a Firearm Attorney
It is illegal in Colorado to knowingly or recklessly shoot a gun into an occupied dwelling or motor vehicle. This crime can be committed in different ways. Sometimes, discharging a firearm is done intentionally, like in instances that involve drive-by shootings. In...
Illegal Discharge of a Firearm in Douglas County – Reckless Endangerment for a Gun Firing
Prohibited Use of Weapons, Reckless Endangerment and Illegal Discharge of a Firearm in Arapahoe County - For the Same Conduct Three charges all relate to the accidental firing of a gun in Colorado. However, one of them is clearly the best, one is in the middle and one...
Illegal Discharge of a Firearm or Prohibited Use of a Weapon – You Decide
Recently, we defended a man charged with both Prohibited Use of Weapons, C.R.S. 18-12-106, and Illegal Discharge of a Firearm, C.R.S. 18-12-107.5. He had accidently discharged his handgun and it went into a neighbor's house since they shared a common wall. Because...