The term Harassment (C.R.S. 18-9-111) makes my skin crawl. It is one of the most frequently used accusations when some people don't get what they want. I don't want to be cynical, and I know there are legitimate times when this crime should be charged. However, in my...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: April 2014
Internet Luring of a Child Attorney / Lawyer in Arapahoe County (C.R.S. 18-3-306)
The district attorney in Arapahoe, Jefferson, and Denver County take crimes of Internet Luring of a Child (C.R.S. 18-3-306) very seriously. To understand the gravity of the situation one can be facing when charged with this sex crime, a person needs to grasp what the...
Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender
POWPO, also known as Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender, makes it illegal for convicted felons to possess firearms. The prior felony could be either as an adult offense or a juvenile felony offense, resulting in an adjudication. In these scenarios, possession...
Colorado Domestic Violence, C.R.S. 18-6-800.3
Domestic Violence (C.R.S. 18-6-800.3), is not one specific crime in Denver, Arapahoe, or Douglas County. It is a special designation assigned to any crime where there is an act of violence, or a threat, against a person who is or was in a special relationship with the...
Civil Protection / Restraining Orders Removal in Colorado – C.R.S. 13-14-108
It is not easy to get Protection / Restraining Orders removed in Arapahoe or Jefferson County, C.R.S. 13-14-108. Not long ago, I wrote an article on the various types of Protection Orders, also known as Restraining Orders. In that article I talked about how easy it is...
Criminal Mischief Attorney / Lawyer in Douglas County, C.R.S. 18-4-501
In the world of criminal law, Criminal Mischief is the crime that is misapplied by police most often. The District Attorney's Office in Arapahoe, Douglas, and Denver County will routinely attempt to charge you or a loved one with the crime of destroying someone else's...
Colorado Disorderly Conduct, C.R.S. 18-9-106, Easy to Get
I did a quick internet search on Disorderly Conduct in Colorado and was shocked to see how many hits came up with people arrested for this crime. Denver Broncos, Colorado Rockies, several Colorado Buffaloes and C.S.U. Rams are on the list. And, they are not alone....
Assault Attorney / Lawyer in Arapahoe County, C.R.S. 18-3-204
If you have been in a physical fight with another person, chances are you know exactly what Third Degree Assault (C.R.S. 18-3-204) is in Denver, Arapahoe, and Douglas County. This is our most commonly charged Assault. Assault is usually defined as knowingly or...
Courts: The Hidden Costs of the Victims’ Bill of Rights
The citizens of Colorado have voted in a constitutional provision which has huge unintended costs on Colorado courts. Special interest groups lobbied the public with this bad law which costs millions of dollars to implement each year. As criminal defense lawyers, we...
Sexual Assault – Position of Trust, C.R.S. 18-3-405.5
Colorado criminal statute 18-3-405.3, Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust, is the most severe of all Colorado's sexual assault charges involving kids. It has more severe consequences than our basic Sexual Assault on a Child, C.R.S. 18-3-405. This...