Sexual Assault on a Child Charges in Denver - What You Should Do If the Child is Lying If a child is spreading lies about you sexually assaulting them, don't take the lies lightly. These lies can ruin your future. Our experienced Denver defense attorneys recommend...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: May 2018
False Reporting to Authorities in Arapahoe County, Colorado Lawyer
What is False Reporting to Authorities in Adams County, Colorado? False Reporting in Arapahoe County and Adams County is no longer just about making a false accusation against someone to police. While it still involves lying to police, it also occurs when someone...
Probation Officers Have Virtually Unlimited Power in Denver, Colorado
Denver Probation Officers Have Tremendous Power It should not be this way, but I am reminded daily of the virtually limitless power possessed by probation officers in Denver, Colorado. These people have little education, no legal training, and are not always the...
Escape Lawyer in Jefferson and Arapahoe County, Colorado
C.R.S. 18-8-208 Lawyer for Escape and Aiding in Escape Charges Escape does not always mean breaking out of a secure jail or prison in Arapahoe County. It can be charged for simply not returning to a Community Corrections facility, Work Release or leaving a police...
Criminal Mischief and Domestic Violence in Denver, Colorado
Denver Defense Attorney for Criminal Mischief and Domestic Violence Cases Our Defense Attorneys see many cases where Criminal Mischief accompanies additional charges, such as Domestic Violence, in Denver, Colorado. If you are facing Criminal Mischief and / or Domestic...
Forgery in Denver, Colorado – From Driving a Car
Driving Without a License Can Result in Forgery Charges in Denver Forgery, C.R.S. 18-5-102, is often charged when someone is trying to steal from others, such as when they create a fake check or sign someone's name pretending to be them. But did you know we often see...
Prescription Drug Offense in Denver – Fraud and Deceit: 18-18-415
Denver Attorney for Prescription Drug Offense - Fraud and Deceit | 18-18-415 The use of Fraud and Deceit (C.R.S. 18-18-415) to obtain prescription drugs is a drug offense problem in the Denver Metro Area. According to Colorado Attorney General, Prescription Drug abuse...
Expungement and Criminal Record Sealing – A Denver Lawyer Explains
Expungement is Different than Record Sealing in Arapahoe and Douglas County, Colorado In general, Expungement is the term used for keeping juvenile records out of public view, and Record Sealing is used for adult criminal records. They both do the same thing, but the...
Colorado Complicity Attorney – C.R.S. 18-1-603
What is Complicity in Denver, Colorado? In Denver County, or anywhere in the state of Colorado, "a person is legally accountable as principal (the person that committed the crime) if, with the intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the offense, he or she...
Innocent With False Allegations of Committing a Crime? Denver Lawyers
False Allegations Against the Innocent are Common in Jefferson County False Allegations against people have become common, as police are too worried about criticism for not filing charges. In Jefferson County, we see Lakewood Police and Arvada police arresting men and...