It isn't every day people call our office with Escape (C.R.S. 18-8-208) charges. However, in the past week we received two such calls. One was from a person charged with Escape in Arapahoe County and one from a person with Jefferson County Escape charges. These calls...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: July 2012
Arrests for Riot & Obstructing a Peace Officer, C.R.S. 18-8-104
24 people were arrested in California after a crowd protesting two deadly police officer-involved shootings became violent. While it is unclear what charges the 24 people who were arrested will be facing, in Colorado jurisdictions such as Arapahoe, Douglas, and Denver...
Sexual Exploitation, Child Pornography Charges: C.R.S. 18-6-403
A Boulder, Colorado man was arrested after Boulder police allegedly discovered files of child pornography on his home computer. He was publically arrested at his workplace in Jefferson County and taken to the Jefferson County jail after he did not surrender himself to...
Colorado Springs – Domestic Violence Homicide: C.R.S. 18-6-801
A Colorado Springs man is being sought by police in connection with the homicide of his ex-girlfriend, who was the alleged victim in a Domestic Violence case against him (C.R.S. 18-6-801). Colorado Spring police arrested him in March on charges of Criminal Mischief...
Denver Police Sergeant – DUI / DWAI Cover-Up: C.R.S. 42-4-1301
The Denver Police Chief is recommending that a police Sergeant be fired for covering up the DUI / DWAI, C.R.S. 42-4-1301, stop of a former Colorado State Legislator. The Legislator was allegedly stopped by another Denver officer on suspicion of DUI / DWAI. Although...
Reading Women & Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404
Men, we all know it is next to impossible to read a woman. So, you'd better be positive sexual contact with her is ok with her. Unlawful Sexual Contact, C.R.S. 18-3-404, in Jefferson, Denver and Adams County involves "knowingly subjecting a victim to any sexual...
Colorado Sexual Exploitation of a Child / Child Pornography, C.R.S.18-6-403
The crime of Sexual Exploitation of a Child / Child Pornography arises in Denver, Jefferson and Arapahoe County when allegations arise that a person possesses sexually exploitative material. Whether by email, download, or sexting, these photographs or videos are...
Colorado Perjury, C.R.S. 18-8-502
Being charged with Perjury in Adams, Weld, Arapahoe, or Jefferson County in Colorado is a very serious matter. Perjury in the first degree is a class 4 felony (C.R.S. 18-8-502), and is distinguished from perjury in the second degree (C.R.S. 18-8-503) by whether or not...
Traffic: Boulder County DA Decides Charges in Fatal Crash
Boulder County District Attorney, Stan Garnett, is waiting for the police reports before deciding whether to file charges in a fatal Louisville, Colorado traffic accident. A man and his teenage daughter were killed by a young woman who allegedly drifted into their...
Traffic – Penalty Change in Leaving the Scene of an Accident, 42-4-1601
On June 6, 2012, Colorado's Governor Hickenlooper signed into law House Bill 12-1084, which increases the penalty for the traffic charge Leaving the Scene of an Accident resulting in serious bodily injury in Denver, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas County, from...