Denver Spice Defense Attorney Spice, a/k/a K2, is Colorado's Newest Drug offense, as if we did not already have enough. The legislature has responded with C.R.S. 18-18-406.2, making the manufacture, distribution, or possession of Spice, a crime in Denver, Jefferson,...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: March 2012
Colorado Juvenile Crimes are Better Than Adult Crimes
Denver Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney Colorado Juvenile Crimes are a much better classification than adult crimes for your child. Juvenile offenses are taken less seriously than adult crimes from many different perspectives. It is always important to ensure that...
Colorado Supreme Court Upholds Concealed Carry Law
Denver Concealed Carry Attorney The Colorado Supreme Court Upheld the Concealed Carry Law (C.R.S. 18-12-201) at CU Boulder recently. The CU Board of Regents had issued a mandate that students could not carry concealed weapons at the University of Colorado, even with a...
Sexual Assault Attorney – Douglas County
Denver Sex Assault Lawyer Sexual Assault cases in Douglas County, and other jurisdictions like Denver, Jefferson, Adams and Arapahoe County are difficult to win. In a recent case, ex-Bronco Perrish Cox was found not-guilty of two serious felony counts of Sexual...