How Does a Judge Decide the Sentence in a Criminal Case? Criminal Sentencing in Jefferson County, Colorado courts, is difficult to predict. Sometimes, judges fly off the handle and give a long sentence for a crime. Other times, you wonder if the judge cares about the...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Crime of Violence with Mandatory Sentencing in Arapahoe County
Mandatory Sentencing in Douglas County, Colorado, for Crimes of Violence: Attorney's List Some criminal law crimes in Douglas County are seen as so harmful and violent, that they are classified as Crimes of Violence and require a mandatory sentence to prison....
Sentencing for an Extraordinary Risk Crime – Douglas County Lawyer Explains
Castle Rock and Parker Extraordinary Risk Crime Defense Attorney Some crimes have been classified as having an added risk level to the public - so much so that they are thought to deserve greater jail or prison sentencing. Instead of just a bad punishment, they get a...
Home Detention vs. Jail Sentencing | In-Home Detention or House Arrest in Denver and Arapahoe County
House Arrest and Home Detention in Arapahoe County and Denver There are three names for the same sentencing option in Denver: Home Detention, In-Home Detention and House Arrest. Each of these involve serving your Arapahoe County Jail sentence at home, rather than at...
Sentencing: How Long is the Length of Possible Jail and Prison Sentences in Denver and Jefferson County?
How Many Years Sentence in Jail or Prison in Denver and Jefferson County, Colorado Our criminal defense lawyers are often asked about the possible sentence length for a crime in Colorado. The length of any Denver County Jail sentence or Jefferson County Jail sentence,...
Prison and Jail Sentencing Ranges for Colorado Criminal Convictions
When men and women are convicted of a crime, at sentencing a judge must decide whether to give a prison or county jail sentence. Judges are sometimes required by the law or circumstances to impose a period of incarceration (county jail or prison) rather than...
Felony Sentencing and Sentences for Colorado Crimes
Colorado has a Sentencing scheme set up to punish the more severe crimes like Murder, Sexual Assault and Kidnapping, more severely. These are typically classified in Jefferson and Adams County as class 1, class 2 and class 3 felonies. Less serious felony crimes like...
Habitual Criminal Laws Quadruple Sentencing Across Colorado
In Jefferson, Arapahoe and Denver County, the District Attorney may file or threaten to file Habitual Criminal charges to force a defendant to plead guilty - regardless of the strength of a new case - when the defendant has multiple prior felony convictions. ...
Pregnant Victim? Special Criminal Colorado Sentencing
We often see cases where men and women get into arguments which turn physical. Typically, no one is using a weapon. Instead, they yell and throw things, push and shove, and grab and slap. Although emotions are high, no one is seeking to cause serious injury to the...
Concurrent vs. Consecutive Sentencing in Colorado
When a defendant is convicted of more than one offense, a sentencing court has discretion to impose consecutive or concurrent sentences. Consecutive sentences are back to back, meaning they don't overlap while being served. You must finish one before beginning to...