Obstructing a peace officer charges in El Paso County, Colorado involve intentionally disrupting a police officer or firefighter while performing their duties. Anyone who threatens or uses force or violence against a peace officer in Colorado Springs or their law...

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Obstructing a Peace Officer

Obstructing a Peace Officer in Aurora | CRS 18-8-104
Obstructing a peace officer can be charged in Aurora, Colorado when someone interferes in specific ways with police, firefighters, or EMTs. Even in situations where a person might feel police are acting illegally, trying to intervene can prove costly. While excessive...

Obstructing a Peace Officer in Fort Collins | Hindering or Impairing
Obstructing a peace officer in Fort Collins, Colorado is a misdemeanor offense that can lead to county jail time, fines, and a criminal record. Even in situations where you believe an officer is acting illegally, interfering or hindering their progress can lead to...
Obstructing a Peace Officer in Denver | Hindering Police
Obstruction charges in Denver can result from getting in the way of police or making their job more difficult. Becoming confrontational with law enforcement is especially risky and even a slip of the tongue can lead to a criminal charge. Interfering in any way with...
Boulder County Man Charged with Obstructing a Peace Officer and More After Throwing Explosives at Deputies
Lawyer for Assault, Obstruction & Menacing Charges in Boulder, Colorado A man in Boulder County has been arrested after a confrontation with sheriff deputies that surprisingly ended without anyone being injured, besides the man who was ultimately taken down by a...
Arapahoe County Charges for Obstructing a Peace Officer
Obstructing a Peace Officer in Arapahoe County, Colorado Last month, a Colorado woman was sentenced to 3 years in prison after committing a variety of crimes, one of which was Obstructing a Peace Officer. She had helped a man evade police after he shot and killed...
What is the Difference Between Obstructing a Peace Officer and Resisting Arrest?
Obstructing a Peace Officer and Resisting Arrest in Denver, Colorado The charges of Obstructing a Peace Officer, and Resisting Arrest can be very similar in Denver, Colorado. Police charge Resisting Arrest when they feel you tried to prevent them from arresting you,...
Obstruction and Obstructing a Peace Officer in Douglas County, Colorado
Peace or Police Officer Obstruction and Obstructing Lawyer in Castle Rock Did you know that Colorado law gives a "super status" to police, firefighters and medical service providers? While we agree these essential public servants need to do their job, we've found an...
Obstructing a Peace Officer Lawyer in Adams County and Jefferson County, Colorado
Obstructing a Peace Officer in Adams County, Colorado Court Obstructing a Peace Officer is a term used to denote some type of interference of police or sheriff deputies in Adams County. It occurs only during an officer's performance of their lawful duty. Many officers...
Obstructing a Peace Officer Charges in Denver
Many police officers and sheriff's deputies in Denver, Arapahoe, and Douglas County have no earthly idea of what Obstructing a Peace Officer, also known as Obstruction, is under Colorado law. Obstructing a Peace Officer is defined in C.R.S. 18-8-104 as a crime where a...