It's important to be aware of and to understand Denver, Colorado's laws, as breaking them can result in penalties such as a jail or prison sentence, fines, probation, parole, sex offender treatment, and counseling, depending on the crime. Our goal at Sawyer Legal...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: September 2018
Child Abuse Charges in Adams County Most people can agree that when a child is injured at the hands of their parents or another adult, it constitutes Child Abuse under Colorado law (C.R.S. 18-6-401). However, what conduct constitutes Child Abuse when a child is not...
Criminal Defense Attorney on How to Interact with Police in Douglas County, Colorado
In Douglas County, Colorado our criminal defense attorneys have years of experience helping clients. We get asked all the time what someone should do when they are confronted by the Douglas County Sheriff's Department. Let's take a look at some of the most important...
Denver Lawyer for Violation of Probation & Revocation Complaints
Probation Violation In Denver and Arapahoe County If you are convicted of a criminal defense in Denver, Colorado, jail is not always the only option. Probation is sometimes sentenced in place of time spent in jail or prison (This can be confused with parole, which is...
What is Considered Criminal Mischief in Adams County?
Adams County Lawyer for Criminal Mischief In Adams County, Colorado, Criminal Mischief (C.R.S. 18-4-501) is also referred to as the Property Damage or Vandalism statute. How much damage determines which class of crime will be charged. If there is less than $500.00...
How to Seal a Record in Denver, Colorado – Questions and Answers
What is Record Sealing in Arapahoe County? In Arapahoe County, Record Sealing involves removing your criminal record from police and court databases. This can be crucial to getting your life back on track after a charge or conviction. An unsealed criminal record can...
C.R.S. 18-3-208 - Reckless Endangerment in Adams County Reckless Endangerment (C.R.S. 18-3-208) is a class 3 misdemeanor with serious consequences in Adams County. I once read a story where a Colorado man was convicted of Reckless Endangerment related to firearms use....
Harassment Charges in Adams County, Colorado
Adams County Colorado Lawyer for Harassment charges C.R.S. 18-9-111 Harassment charges in Adams County can happen to anyone at some point in their lives. A practicing criminal lawyer in Adams County Colorado should advise you that a person can be charged for striking,...
Minor in Possession of Alcohol, Denver MIP Lawyer
Underage Drinking - Minor in Possession of Alcohol Laws in Denver, Colorado With a new College semester having started up again, I wanted to ensure that young adults 18-21 years old, and juveniles who are under 18, are aware of the law concerning alcohol use. Illegal...
How Does Trespassing Turn into Burglary in Denver?
Denver Lawyer for Trespassing & Burglary Wandering into a neighbor's house while drunk in Denver can turn into Burglary, which is much more serious than Trespassing. While both crimes are a felony, it can make a bad situation even worse when you are charged with...