DWAI Difference from a DUI in Denver and Jefferson County Courts Colorado has established drinking and driving charges in two different parts: DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired). Whether you are stopped by police in Jefferson...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: December 2017
Soliciting, Prostitution and Solicitation Law in Denver and Jefferson County, Colorado
Solicitation of a Prostitute Sting from Backpage? | Lakewood Police Soliciting Arrest Lakewood Police (charging 9.45.020 - Prostitution Prohibited) and Denver Police (charging General Sessions Sec 38-158) seem to set up the most frequent Solicitation of a Prostitute...
Police Did Not Read My Rights Before Arrest – Denver Lawyer on Miranda Rights
After Arrest, Police Did Not Read Me My Rights in Arapahoe County, Colorado Whether Arapahoe County and Aurora Police read you your rights after an arrest or not, can affect your trial defense. Usually it does not. While this sounds radical, let me quickly explain the...
Jefferson County Computer Crime Charges, C.R.S. 18-5.5-102
Computer Crime Charges | Jefferson County Courts Lawyer Whenever you use a computer, cell phone or tablet to commit a crime - even part of a crime - you face being charged with Jefferson County's Computer Crime, located at C.R.S. 18-5.5-102. With many crimes, Computer...
Stalking Lawyer in Douglas County and Jefferson County, Colorado
Douglas County Attorney for Stalking Charges There are three ways to commit the crime of Stalking in Douglas County, Colorado. Each involve a pattern of contact by an unwanted person (the Stalker). The first two ways to be charged with stalking involve a threat to a...
False Imprisonment Lawyer for Jefferson County, Colorado
Douglas County False Imprisonment Compared to Kidnapping: What is the Difference? Jefferson County and Douglas County are two places where we often see both False Imprisonment charges and Kidnapping charges. The difference between the two can be significant, with...
At-Risk Adults, At-Risk Adults with IDD, At-Risk Juvenile, At-Risk Elder and Caretaker Denver Lawyer
Jefferson County At-Risk Adults, At-Risk Adults with IDD, At-Risk Juvenile and At-Risk Elder Defense Lawyer In Denver, Colorado, and across our state, the law has set up a special class status of persons labeled "At-Risk," who are less able to care for and protect...
Forgery, C.R.S. 18-5-102 – Best Denver Lawyer
What is the Definition of First Degree and Second Degree Forgery in Adams County? The legal definition of Forgery is found in the Colorado Revised Statutes, at C.R.S. 18-5-102. The best criminal defense attorney in Denver, Brighton and Adams County can help you apply...
Denver General Sessions Municipal Court Lawyer | Denver Van Cise-Simonet Detention Center
General Sessions Denver Lawyer - Misdemeanor Cases Handled Here Denver's city court is known as General Sessions Municipal Court, and handles many types of city misdemeanor crimes. No felony cases are handled here - just those which are based on city misdemeanor...