Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

At-Risk Adults, At-Risk Adults with IDD, At-Risk Juvenile, At-Risk Elder and Caretaker Denver Lawyer

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2017 | At Risk |


Jefferson County At-Risk Adults, At-Risk Adults with IDD, At-Risk Juvenile and At-Risk Elder Defense Lawyer

In Denver, Colorado, and across our state, the law has set up a special class status of persons labeled “At-Risk,” who are less able to care for and protect themselves, compared to the general population. Within this class, comes higher penalties for crimes involving At-Risk Adults, At-Risk Adults with IDD, At-Risk Juveniles, and At-Risk Elders. The law’s purpose is to reduce crimes against this population.  However, the effect seems minimal because offenders are not aware of the increased risk they run by harming an At-Risk person. Colorado At-Risk Law.

Definition for At-Risk Adult in Douglas County, Colorado

An At Risk Adult in Douglas County is someone seventy years of age or older, or a person who is 18 years old & older, possessing a special disability, like:

-Missing a hand or foot or the use of a hand or foot

-Blindness or permanent impairment of vision of both eyes

-Deaf, Mute, Unable to walk, see, hear or speak

-Unable to breathe without mechanical assistance, or

-Mentally illness or intellectually / developmentally disabled

At-Risk Adult Colorado Law.

Definition for At-Risk Adult with IDD in Arapahoe County, Colorado

The term “At Risk Adult with IDD” means a person in Arapahoe County who is eighteen years of age or older and is a person with an intellectual and developmental disability.

Definition for At-Risk Juvenile in Jefferson County, Colorado

The term “At Risk Juvenile” in Jefferson County is a child not yet eighteen years old, who has a disability like:

-Missing a hand or foot or the use of a hand or foot

-Blindness or permanent impairment of vision of both eyes

-Deaf, Mute, Unable to walk, see, hear or speak

-Unable to breathe without mechanical assistance, or

-Mentally illness or intellectually / developmentally disabled

Definition for At-Risk Elder in Adams County, Colorado

The Adams County term “At Risk Elder” means any person who is seventy years of age or older.

Definition for At-Risk Person: A Key Defense Lawyer’s Term in Grand Junction and Mesa County

The term “At-Risk Person” means an At-Risk Adult, an At-Risk Adult with IDD, and At-Risk Elder or At-Risk Juvenile.

Definition for Caretaker in Colorado

A Caretaker is a person who is responsible for the care of an At-Risk Person as a result of a family or legal relationship, or has assumed responsibility for the care of an At-Risk Person, or is paid to provide care or services to an At-Risk Person.

These definitions are important, because crimes against these persons are punished more severely than if committed against someone without the At-Risk label. Call our criminal defense lawyers at 303-731-0719, to learn more about what crimes are covered by the increased punishment. Together, we can protect your future.