Threatening someone to take actions against their will can end in extortion charges in Denver. Acts of blackmail that involve threats to family, finances, or property often lead to damaging criminal charges. While you may feel the language you used wasn't threatening...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Criminal Extortion Lawyer in Colorado
Criminal Extortion is a crime that occurs in Colorado when an individual threatens another person as a means of getting them to do something against their will. Some refer to this offense as blackmail. This is a serious felony crime that only amplifies with the...
Criminal Extortion in Colorado, C.R.S. 18-3-207 – Power Corrupts
Criminal Extortion Charges in El Paso County - Former Sheriff Charged Criminal Extortion charges were recently filed against a former El Paso County Sheriff and his Undersheriff. The former Sheriff and Undersheriff allegedly threatened to cancel a multi-million dollar...
Extortion, 18-3-207 – Be Careful With This Statute
In 1994, the Colorado Legislature changed the Extortion statute, 18-3-207, after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in Whimbush v. People, 869 P.2d 1245 (Colo 1994). Today, this very carefully worded statute is used to prosecute bill collectors,...
Criminal Extortion & Aggravated Extortion, C.R.S. 18-3-207
In Colorado, Extortion occurs when someone attempts to persuade another to not do a legal act or to do a legal act, by making a "substantial threat" to confine or restrain, cause economic hardship, or bodily injury to, or damage the property or reputation of the...
Aspen Resident Arrested on 13 Felony Charges
Following six years of allegedly threatening emails, an Aspen, CO, resident was recently arrested on Stalking, and 12 other felony counts in Pitkin County Court. The resident continually sent emails to members of an Aspen church after supposedly being turned away from...