Following six years of allegedly threatening emails, an Aspen, CO, resident was recently arrested on Stalking, and 12 other felony counts in Pitkin County Court. The resident continually sent emails to members of an Aspen church after supposedly being turned away from the church based on sexual orientation. The resident was arrested on four class-four felony counts of Colorado criminal extortion, three class-five felony charges of Colorado stalking, and six class-five felony charges of Colorado criminal attempt of extortion. The Aspen Times reports there are additional charges against the resident, including: two misdemeanor counts of Colorado false reporting, one misdemeanor charge of Colorado violation of protective order, and an additional felony Colorado stalking charge. To round it all up, the resident is also in court for an eviction hearing brought by the resident’s landlord. (C.R.S. 18-3-207, C.R.S. 18-9-111, C.R.S. 18-8-111)
The Aspen, CO, defendant is accused of writing emails to the pastor and members of his church, claiming if they didn’t testify on her behalf, they would have costly charges brought against them. As a result, the resident is facing criminal extortion, because without legal authority, she had the intent to require people perform an act against their will with the threat of economic hardship.
The pastor of the church repeatedly pleaded with the resident to stop sending the emails. The resident’s defense on the three class-five Colorado stalking charges may be difficult due to a large volume of physical evidence.
In addition to sending the emails, the resident allegedly reported two false incidents to the police in Pitkin County, Colorado. The resident claimed she was assaulted by a member of the community while walking down a court house hallway. Additionally, she reported a nemesis had broken into her car. Aspen Police were near the scene of both alleged crimes, establishing the innocence of the accused parties. As a result, the resident faces two misdemeanor counts of Colorado False Reporting, in the Pitkin County Court. Prosecutors will need to prove the woman provided a false report to law enforcement.
The resident should have hired legal representation, rather than sending a string of questionable emails to members of the church. The resident could face anywhere from four to forty-eight years in prison if convicted of all charges. At O’Malley Law Office, P.C., we have been defending the accused in Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas, Jefferson, Pitkin and any other Colorado county for over 18 years.
If you or someone you love has been contacted by the police, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact a lawyer who will fight for you. Here at O’Malley Law Office P.C., our team has been defending the accused in all areas of criminal law for many years. Call us today to set up your initial consultation at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.