Making threats or committing acts that are meant to strike fear in others can be considered menacing in Thornton, Commerce City, and Brighton. The intent behind your words or actions are an integral element to this offense. Threatening statements are often...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: November 2020
Distributing or Producing Child Porn in Denver | Sexual Exploitation
Acts of distributing or producing child porn are punished harshly throughout the Denver area. Sending or making sexually explicit material that involves minors under 18 can lead to a lengthy prison sentence, strict supervision after incarceration, and sex offender...
Use of Stun Guns in Denver | CRS 18-12-106.5
When it comes to self-defense in Denver, Aurora, and Lakewood, possession, purchase, sale, and use of a stun gun are permitted. However, if a stun gun is used in some way while committing a crime, impactful consequences exist. Menacing, assault, or robbery are a few...
Possession of a Weapon by a Previous Offender | POWPO Lawyer in Lakewood
Possession of a weapon by a previous offender in Lakewood, Colorado is an offense that involves a convicted felon having, carrying, or using a firearm. Strict laws apply to felons in Jefferson, Boulder, and Adams County when it comes to weapons. This particular crime...
Unlawfully Providing a Gun to a Juvenile in Denver | CRS 18-12-108.7
Unlawfully providing a gun to a juvenile in Denver is a crime that involves giving, lending, or selling a firearm to those under the age of 18. There are exceptions if the gun is for lawful use, such as a safety course, hunting with a valid license, or a firearms...
False Imprisonment Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Unlawfully Confining Someone
False imprisonment is a crime in Colorado Springs that involves unlawfully detaining a person somewhere without their consent. Blocking an exit so that a person can't leave or locking them in a room can be costly throughout El Paso County. We sometimes see these...
A Guide to 2nd Degree Assault in Weld County | CRS 18-3-203
2nd degree assault in Weld County, Colorado is a crime that involves purposefully hurting another in a way that causes injury. This includes injuries that are non-serious and won't lead to disfigurement or lasting damage. Still, this intentional violence is often...