False imprisonment charges in Weld County, Colorado can result if someone unlawfully detains another person without their consent. Locking another in a room or blocking the doorway are common examples of this crime in Greeley, Windsor, and Fort Lupton. While some who...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
False Imprisonment
False Imprisonment Lawyer in Littleton | CRS 18-3-303
False Imprisonment in Littleton, Greenwood Village, and Columbine is an act of confining or detaining someone without their permission or without the legal authority to do so. Barricading someone in a room, blocking a doorway to prevent exit, or tying a person...
False Imprisonment in Larimer County | Fort Collins Criminal Lawyer
False imprisonment in Larimer County is typically charged when allegations of unlawfully detaining someone come about. Whether you're accused of blocking a doorway after an argument or locking someone in a space, significant ramifications exist for a conviction....
False Imprisonment Lawyer in Colorado Springs | Unlawfully Confining Someone
False imprisonment is a crime in Colorado Springs that involves unlawfully detaining a person somewhere without their consent. Blocking an exit so that a person can't leave or locking them in a room can be costly throughout El Paso County. We sometimes see these...
False Imprisonment Attorney in Boulder
False Imprisonment in Colorado is the unlawful act of detaining another person without their consent. This offense involves forcing someone to remain in their current location and not allowing them to leave. It is a lesser offense as compared to Kidnapping, but can...
Denver Attorney for False Imprisonment Charges
What is False Imprisonment in Denver, Colorado? If you confine or detain someone against their will in Denver, Colorado, you could be charged with False Imprisonment. Not as serious as kidnapping, False Imprisonment involves detaining someone where they already were,...
False Imprisonment Arrest Lawyer | Douglas County, Colorado
What is the Sentence for False Imprisonment Charges in Castle Rock, Colorado? When you are arrested and charged for False Imprisonment in Douglas County and Castle Rock, you will be frustrated and scared about your future. Possible penalties can be high if charged as...
Differences Between False Imprisonment and Kidnapping in Denver, Colorado
Kidnapping Differences from False Imprisonment in Jefferson County, Colorado Kidnapping and False Imprisonment are closely related in Jefferson County, Colorado. They differ based on the motive, type and length of holding someone against their will. A minor...
False Imprisonment Lawyer for Jefferson County, Colorado
Douglas County False Imprisonment Compared to Kidnapping: What is the Difference? Jefferson County and Douglas County are two places where we often see both False Imprisonment charges and Kidnapping charges. The difference between the two can be significant, with...
Adams County Lawyer for False Imprisonment – Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence and False Imprisonment Attorney in Adams County, Colorado When men and women fight, many cases of Domestic Violence and False Imprisonment arise. This crime can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on whether force is...