A Criminal trial is a contest, with a winner and a loser. The People, or the Plaintiff, bring the charges against a person known in the system as a defendant. The defendant seeks a not guilty verdict or an acquittal at trial. In order for the government to win and get...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: October 2014
Historical Changes – DAs, Courts, and Police Scared of News Media
While this blog is not directly on point with any criminal offenses like Sexual Assault, Robbery or Theft, I thought it was important to educate our blog readers on a disturbing trend I see over and over. Judges, District Attorneys and Police in Arapahoe and Douglas...
Sexual Assault – Class 1 Misdemeanor, Class 4, 3, or 2 Felony?
A person charged with Sexual Assault in Denver, Douglas, or Arapahoe County may be faced with a misdemeanor, or up to a class 2 felony. The class of crime charged depends upon the circumstances of the case and determines how much is at stake. In most cases though,...
Posting a Private Image for Harassment in Denver
Posting sexually explicit photographs of someone online, without their permission is a crime in Denver, Boulder and El Paso County and across the state. While previously, this crime would be charged as Harassment or Invasion of Privacy, Colorado now has a new law that...
Burglary, C.R.S. 18-4-202 Attorney for Douglas County and all Colorado
Burglary charges in Douglas, Denver, and Arapahoe County are serious charges that can have serious consequences and it is always in your best interest to hire a criminal defense lawyer to help fight against the government. Breaking and entering into someone else's...
Sexual Exploitation of a Child Attorney in Denver
Sexual Exploitation of a Child, C.R.S. 18-6-403, involves the possession of child pornography. Whether child nudity equals child pornography is a tough question for most law enforcement officers and deputy district attorneys. We have seen an increasing tendency in...
Why Being Charged with Sexual Assault on a Child is Terrifying
I recently had a dream where I was accused of Sexual Assault on a Child. It was similar to many of the cases I have worked on the past 23 years. A child made an accusation, and charges arose. Like the real world, there was no physical evidence of a crime, since only a...
Criminal Extortion & Aggravated Extortion, C.R.S. 18-3-207
In Colorado, Extortion occurs when someone attempts to persuade another to not do a legal act or to do a legal act, by making a "substantial threat" to confine or restrain, cause economic hardship, or bodily injury to, or damage the property or reputation of the...
Denver Criminal Trespass Attorney, C.R.S. 18-4-502
Many people are charged with trespass or trespassing in Denver, Jefferson, or Arapahoe County and need the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer to fight against the government. Trespassing is a crime that has varying degrees of punishment. For example, a...
Denver Domestic Violence, C.R.S. 18-6-800.3
One Baltimore football player has singlehandedly increased Domestic Violence (C.R.S. 18-6-800.3) reports throughout the United States by 84%!. I find that remarkable. According to a Huffington Post article, the video, released by TMZ, of a popular running back hitting...