Many people required to register in Colorado are permitted to seek permission from the Court for Removal from the Sex Offender Registration / Deregistration Registry, C.R.S. 16-22-113. Sex Offenders living in Denver, Arapahoe, Douglas County, or anywhere in of...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: April 2013
Criminal Mischief Charges Attorney – C.R.S. 18-4-501
Criminal Mischief, C.R.S. 18-4-501, crimes are charged whenever something gets broken, even if it is an accident or if the property belongs to you and another. This crime can even be a felony, so police have a lot of leverage once they file the charge with the...
Burglary for a Beer? – Colorado Lawyer
With the warm weather fast approaching, two things are sure: 1) more and more people will be stocking and drinking beer, 2) garage doors will be left open for teenagers to see. This is a dangerous combination for a Burglary to occur, C.R.S. 18-4-201. Our attorneys are...
Colorado Gun Bills = Restrictions on Citizens – Chapter 2
The State of Colorado has recently adopted many new gun laws that will affect all citizens of Colorado in counties like Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas, Adams, and Denver county. This intrusive expansion state government will do more harm than good for the honest people...
Intimate is No Longer Sex, Domestic Violence 18-6-800.3
Coloradoans are faced with a ridiculously broad definition of Domestic Violence (DV) in Colorado under C.R.S. 18-6-800.3. That definition just became broader still. This definition is used in Denver, Arapahoe and Jefferson County, and every County in Colorado. It is...
Clothes on Fire: Domestic Violence, C.R.S. 18-6-801
A Denver man returned home to find his clothes on fire in his closet. He told police that he had returned home and smelled something burning in his bedroom. When he went to investigate, he found his girlfriend leaving the room and discovered several items in his...
Denial of Concealed Carry Permit – Denver Attorney
The process to obtain a Concealed Carry Weapon Permit (or CCW) is overly complicated. If you are trying to obtain a permit, take a look at our Colorado Concealed Carry Permit page to help you get answers to your questions. If you have been denied a CCW, keep reading....
Introducing Contraband in Jail / Prison – C.R.S. 18-8-203, 204
Did you know you could be charged with Introducing Contraband in the Second Degree, a class 6 felony, if you give a woman an uncancelled postage stamp while she is in the custody of a Denver, Arapahoe, or Jefferson County, C.R.S. 18-8-204(2)(d)? It is true,...
Denver Deputy Provides Escape Assistance
The Denver Sheriff's Department is embarrassed that one of its own helped an inmate with an extensive criminal history escape the new Denver County Jail. That jail had previously had the fine distinction of no escapes. The Deputy who aided the escape provided the...
Firearms / Gun Control and now Knife Control?
Another reason for new federal and state laws! I just read on-line about a Texas knife attack at Lone Star College in Cypress, Texas. Fourteen people were hurt. Where is our government to protect us? President Obama, will you be sending representatives to Texas to...