General Sessions Denver Lawyer - Misdemeanor Cases Handled Here Denver's city court is known as General Sessions Municipal Court, and handles many types of city misdemeanor crimes. No felony cases are handled here - just those which are based on city misdemeanor...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Municipal Court
Wheat Ridge Municipal Court – City Court for Crimes and Nuisance Abatement
Wheat Ridge City Court | Municipal Law Violations and Summons Like state court which is held in Jefferson County, the Wheat Ridge Municipal Court has a judge and jury system which can convict someone charged with a crime and send them to jail for one year. Those...
Lakewood, Colorado Municipal Court Criminal Defense Attorney | City Court in Lakewood
Why is There a Lakewood Municipal Court? It is often difficult to understand why there is a Lakewood Municipal or City court, if crimes are also prosecuted in the Jefferson County Court. The best answer is that cities like Lakewood want to regulate conduct differently...
Denver Municipal Court vs. Denver County Court – What’s the Difference in Colorado?
Colorado Municipal Courts and County Courts are Different In Colorado, Municipal Courts handle criminal charges which involve violations of city law, also known as the city code. Cities like Lakewood, Littleton, Denver, Arvada, Edgewater, Castle Rock, Aurora and...