Generally, Unlawful Sexual Contact is the Least Serious Sexual Offense Unlawful Sexual Contact is usually charged in Jefferson and Arapahoe County as a class 1 misdemeanor, but under certain circumstances it can be charged as a more serious class 4 felony. Sexual...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Month: February 2015
Insanity and Competent to Stand Trial and Competency in Denver Courts
Competency Arises in Many High Profile Criminal Cases Recently, mental health issues have been getting a great deal of attention from the media for both the role they play in criminal behavior and how the criminal justice system deals with people experiencing mental...
Colorado Juvenile Crimes Charges
As parents, when our children get in trouble, we naturally want to hold them accountable. Unfortunately, in the context of juvenile criminal law, how you as a parent hold them accountable is not how the justice system would. There are permanent, long term consequences...
Habitual Criminal Laws Quadruple Sentencing Across Colorado
In Jefferson, Arapahoe and Denver County, the District Attorney may file or threaten to file Habitual Criminal charges to force a defendant to plead guilty - regardless of the strength of a new case - when the defendant has multiple prior felony convictions. ...
Theft Laws Analyzed by a Denver Criminal Lawyer
Theft cases under Colorado law, C.R.S. 18-4-401, have taken on a new look over the past year. Our Legislature recently adapted Colorado's Theft Laws by providing a much broader punishment sliding scale. Where past law only allowed four different classes of punishment,...
Menacing Charges – Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Help
Menacing in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County is a crime that is constantly overcharged. Circumstances commonly involve allegations that someone committed an act which knowingly placed another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. The terms "imminent"...
Menacing Charges – Denver Criminal Defense Attorney Help
Menacing in Denver, Adams, and Jefferson County is a crime that is constantly overcharged. Circumstances commonly involve allegations that someone committed an act which knowingly placed another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury. The terms "imminent"...
Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender – Lawyer in Denver
We are routinely asked questions regarding gun ownership and Possession of a Weapon by Previous Offender in the Denver metro area. As an experienced gun rights attorney in Arapahoe, Douglas and Denver County and knowing how the law plays into unique situations, the...
Why Jail Calls are a District Attorney and Police Officer’s Dream
Inmate Phone Calls are Always Recorded When our clients are in the Denver County Jail, the Jefferson County Jail, or the Adams County Jail, they experience difficult emotions surrounding their charges, their living arrangements and weakened family ties. Police and...
Public Indecency Lawyer in Denver – Often Charged
We are at a crossroad in Colorado, where our state representatives and senators have criminalized everything sexual. Public displays of affection are even at risk. Public Indecency in Douglas and Arapahoe County is at the bottom of the ladder in terms of sex offenses,...