Adams County, Colorado Police Officer Motivation / Mindset Like any profession, police have their bad apples. Many Adams County Police Officers will stretch the truth to justify their arrest and look good to supervisors. That is the Police Officer Motivation - Police...

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Police Officers
Motivation of Colorado Police Officers – Police Mindset in Denver, Part 1
Police Officers Think the Worst of You in Denver, Colorado Police Officers will think the worst of you and will not hesitate to charge you with a crime in Denver, Colorado. When we were children, we were taught Police Officers were there to help us. Well, maybe they...
Disarming a Police Officer Charges in Denver and Jefferson County, Colorado – Easy to Be Charged
Jefferson County and Denver Disarming a Police Officer Charges Denver Charges for Disarming a Police Officer can occur intentionally or by accident. More often, these charges stem from accidental conduct in a scuffle with overly aggressive police officers, during a...
Three Types of Police Officers in Denver
To fully understand the point I want to make, imagine yourself as one of many Denver area police officers. You have been hired at the Denver Police Department to enforce laws, hence the term "law enforcement officer." If you catch a bad guy before he talks to a...
Police Officers & Courts: Look Out for #1
In the legal business, police officers are the first judge people meet. Really. Arapahoe and Douglas County officers must make decisions on who to arrest and what crimes to charge. In a domestic violence situation, they will generally charge the man becaue this is...
Are Denver Police Officers Neutral?
Forget what you heard when you were a child. Police officers in Jefferson and Douglas County don't just help lost children find their parents. They arrest adults and juveniles when they have probable cause a crime was committed. They work daily with district attorneys...
Denver Police Officers – Renewed Calls for Transparency
It seems like every day when I turn on the news, there are new stories of police officers involved in misconduct or officer perpetrated violence in the Denver Police Department. [1] These problems are occurring so regularly that public trust in the police department...
Police Officers – Why You Should Be Nice to Them
Police officers in Aurora, Parker and Arapahoe County are just like you and me for the most part. They have families, own a house and they go to work. Additionally, they like to get promoted, want more income and have biases. While we hope they keep their bias in...
Santa Would Never Speak with Police Officers
Santa knows who's been bad and good. And he knows that police officers in the Denver area have been very bad. I just watched a police interview which makes this so clear. The officer kept hammering my guy late at night in the interview room until he made some...
Colorado Resisting Arrest, C.R.S. 18-8-103; Obstruction of Police, C.R.S. 18-8-104
Denver Criminal Attorney for Police Involved Crimes Colorado Obstruction of Police, C.R.S. 18-8-104, and Resisting Arrest, C.R.S. 18-8-103, are both closely related police officer offenses in Colorado. Each of them involve uncooperative behavior when police officers...