Denver Spice Defense Attorney
Spice, a/k/a K2, is Colorado’s Newest Drug offense, as if we did not already have enough. The legislature has responded with C.R.S. 18-18-406.2, making the manufacture, distribution, or possession of Spice, a crime in Denver, Jefferson, Arapahoe, Douglas, Adams, Larimer and Weld County. Our experienced attorneys will fight in your defense for criminal charges stemming from possession or distribution of this drug.
Drug Crimes in Arapahoe County – What is Spice?
Spice, also known as K2 or JWH-018, is a synthetic substitute for the active ingredient in marijuana, THC. This lab product was originally created around fifteen years ago as a plant growth aid. It moved as a street drug to Europe, and now to the U.S. and Colorado. Juveniles are combining Spice with incense.
Side Effects of Spice
The problem today is that Spice often produces dangerous and unpredictable side effects. It is not predictable like its cousin marijuana. Kids are ending up in hospitals with seizures. As a result, the Colorado law makers have outlawed its manufacture and possession.
Jefferson County Drug Offense
Possession of Spice is a class two misdemeanor drug offense under C.R.S. 18-18-406.1. Its distribution, manufacture, dispensing, sale, cultivation is either a class four felony or a class five felony. Sale or intent to sell to a child under eighteen is what raises the classification to a class four felony. Class four felonies result in prison sentences from two to six years, while class five felonies range from one to three years.
Aurora Drug Lawyer
Drug use is dumbing down our culture. We represent many people who use marijuana and have generally noticed they have a lack of ambition. These users seem content to remain wherever they are: adults with limited careers, juveniles with mediocre high school grades, or the unemployed. We also see lasting mental deficits which can be attributed to drug use.
If you have been contacted by police for the use or possession of Spice, exercise your right to remain silent and then call our experienced criminal drug attorneys at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.