An arrest or allegation of a sex crime in Colorado can upend a defendant's life. Strict, long-lasting penalties exist for a conviction and the presumption of guilt couldn't be greater. However, a charge of sexual assault or unlawful sexual contact can be difficult to...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Sex Offenses
Accused of Sexual Assault in Denver | Criminal Lawyer
Forced or non-consenual sex acts can lead to sexual assault charges in Denver, Aurora, and Lakewood. As experienced sex crimes attorneys in Colorado, we have seen many different cases like these where a defendant is accused of something they didn't do or of going...
Pornography and Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor Attorney
Throughout Colorado, the laws surrounding sex crimes are sometimes difficult to comprehend. People are often unaware that certain conduct can lead to conviction of a sex offense. As we share more and more content electronically, we run the risk of not thinking twice...
Children Contact When Accused of a Sexual Assault Crime in Arapahoe County and Douglas County
Douglas County Child Contact: Criminal Attorney Helping Parents & Kids Contact with your kids is automatically restricted by a judge in Arapahoe County if you have been accused of a sex crime. Judges fear another victim may result if they let you have time with...
Denver Lawyer for Public Indecency Charges (C.R.S. 18-7-301)
Public Indecency Charges in Denver (C.R.S. 18-7-301) Police in Adams, Douglas, and Denver County constantly charge people with Public Indecency. Have you ever had sex in a public place? Have you ever exposed your penis to pee while on a hike in the forests? Have you...
Nanny Cam = Criminal Invasion of Privacy in Colorado?
Image Credit: Pixabay - geralt Did you know that it is illegal to take photographs or video of someone when they have a "reasonable" expectation of privacy? And, that it can be a sex offense if done for the purpose of sexual gratification? In Denver, Douglas and...
Sex Offenders and the SOMB Mess
After 22 years practicing criminal defense, I have identified classes of sex offenders. Here is my perceived level of seriousness / danger of offenders in Denver, Jefferson and Arapahoe County: Violent men who forcibly rape strangers Adults / older children who force...
Colorado Campus Sex Offenses & Crimes Prevention Act Lawyer
Our law firm is frequently amazed at how our society has demonized someone convicted of sex offenses. From a drunk man pinching a woman's butt in a bar to a college student streaking across campus, Colorado law makes it nearly impossible for a person to live following...
DUI Drivers’ Required Sex Offender Treatment, C.R.S. 16-11.7-102
Denver Criminal Defense Attorney | Sexual Offenses Just when you thought the Colorado government couldn't be more irrational, a crazy law too strange to imagine, is now in effect in Colorado. Probably encouraged by the Colorado sex offender treatment industry for more...
Why Colorado Sex Offenses are Different
Denver Defense Attorney - Sexual Offenses Why Colorado Sex Offenses are Different from other crimes is important. Denver sex offenses such as Internet Luring (C.R.S. 18-3-306), Sexual Exploitation of a Child (C.R.S. 18-6-403) and Sexual Assault on a Child (C.R.S....