How is Burglary Different from Theft in Jefferson County? I've heard people talk about Burglary when they are really talking about theft, and also the other way around. Burglary is very different than Theft. A person can be charged with Burglary in Jefferson County...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Burglary Lawyer in Denver and Adams County | 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Burglary Charges
In Denver and Adams County, Colorado, there are various degrees of Burglary charges. These include First Degree Burglary, Second Degree Burglary, Third Degree Burglary and Possession of Burglary Tools. Burglary charges occur under many circumstances, such as breaking...
Burglary in Colorado – C.R.S. 18-4-202, 203, & 204
Colorado and Burglary - A Good Place to Live, or Not A March 8, 2016, Fox News report quoted a FBI survey which ranked Colorado as number 30 out of 52 States (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) for the number of Burglaries per 100,000 people. That is to...
Burglary – More than Just Breaking and Entering – Denver Criminal Lawyer
In Denver and Jefferson County, individuals are charged with Burglary not only for breaking and entering, but also for possessing the intent to commit a crime within the structure, car, dwelling, etc. In the news and on TV, burglars are always represented as figures...
Colorado’s Three Main Burglary Crimes
The Basic Burglary Definition In Denver, Broomfield and Jefferson County, defendants are charged with Burglary after unlawfully entering some kind of structure with intent to commit another crime. People typically assume that burglary means a person has broken into a...
Burglary, C.R.S. 18-4-202 Attorney for Douglas County and all Colorado
Burglary charges in Douglas, Denver, and Arapahoe County are serious charges that can have serious consequences and it is always in your best interest to hire a criminal defense lawyer to help fight against the government. Breaking and entering into someone else's...
Burglary: Doggie Door Burglar Strikes in Douglas County
Late last year, an unusual alleged burglar was caught in Highlands Ranch. While she sounds like a character from a movie, this alleged thief wasn't labeled a cat burglar like the fellow in "To Catch a Thief." Instead, this woman is being called the "Doggie Door...
The New Colorado Burglary
After 23 years practicing as a criminal attorney in Denver, I keep reminding you that traditional first impressions of people committing crimes such as Domestic Violence, Harassment and Burglary, are way off base. To further convince you, let's consider what it takes...
Burglary in Colorado – C.R.S. 18-4-202, 203, & 204
When we hear about Burglary in the news, there are underlying issues where the public is unaware. The crime of Burglary has very specific elements which include unlawful entry into a home, business, or a locked structure with the intent to commit a crime. The intended...
Burglary Essentials with an Arapahoe County Lawyer, Part 3
In Broomfield, Boulder and Jefferson County, people are accused of burglary for unlawfully going into or remaining in a house or business, intending to commit any type of crime (even a misdemeanor). First Degree Burglary, C.R.S. 18-4-202, is the most serious form of...