Denver Child Pornography and Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer
Colorado Sexual Exploitation of a Child / Child Pornography, C.R.S. 18-6-403, generally arises from a download of images from Limewire, or from a complaint to police by someone, of Child Pornography. Our full-time criminal defense lawyers often find cases based from one of these two sources. At times, these complaints arise from an wife who is angry at our client, and wants to have police search a hard-drive used by our client, hoping something illegal is present which will hurt them.
Computer Hard Drive Search in Adams County
The basis of Sexual Exploitation of a Child crime in Denver, Jefferson, Arapahoe, Douglas and Adams County develops from a search of your computer’s hard drive. Computer Forensic (legal) examinations involve expensive and sophisticated behind the scenes software which searches every file on your computer, whether it was deleted or not. The software is either Forensic Took Kit (FTK) or Encase. These two programs will carefully search every location on your computer where a file can hide, even if deleted.
Sexual Exploitation Criminal Defense Attorney – Who Has Used Your Computer?
The difficulty is that computers are often used by several people. In your house, how many times have family members or visitors used the computer over several years? You could be charged criminally for what OTHER people have downloaded on your machine or a computer you use. In El Paso and Weld County, Sexual Exploitation / Child Porn involves an accusation that you’ve possession or controlled nude images of children. While much of child nudity is supposed to be constitutionally protected, juries don’t really care about this protection and trial courts are reluctant to be known as child pornography friendly. So, you can be convicted and you can spend a lot of years in prison, even for protected images. You should adhere to the rule that no images of naked children should ever be viewed on your computer in Denver, Fort Collins or Colorado Springs, Colorado. Police are using entrapment and pretend to be children for other crimes like Internet Luring.
Denver Sexual Exploitation of a Child Lawyer – How You Can Protect Yourself
Protect you and your family from Sexual Exploitation of a Child / Child Pornography charges. Invest in a good hard-drive scrubber program, which truly deletes files, and monitor who is using your computer. Don’t let anyone download anything of a sexual nature. Warn your children. Remember, there is no way you can be certain that someone has not downloaded or simply viewed sexually explicit photos of children on your computer. So, you need the protection of a clean hard-drive. If police ever call or come by, it is never advisable to speak to them or voluntarily give them your computer to search. They will lie and tell you their inquiry is no big deal or that they will just get a warrant if you refuse to give your consent. In fact, they often say things that are not true.
If police call or come by to speak with you or your family members, don’t talk with them because you “have nothing to hide”. Instead, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.