Robbery occurs in Colorado Springs whenever someone knowingly takes something of value from another person with the use of threat, force, or intimidation. There are three different charges of robbery in Colorado. Simple Robbery, Aggravated Robbery, and Aggravated...
Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.
Defense Lawyer for Robbery Charges in El Paso County
Five Robbers Wanted in Colorado Springs Last night in Colorado Springs, five people broke into an apartment, armed with a handgun and rifles. According to the article, they "assaulted the occupants and stole personal items" (Fox21News). The suspects escaped before...
Conspiracy to Commit a Crime in Denver, Colorado – How You Can Be Charged With a Crime You Didn’t Commit
Definition of Conspiracy to Commit a Crime in Denver and Douglas County, Colorado The Douglas County Definition of Conspiracy to Commit a Crime, C.R.S. 18-2-201, provides that "A person commits conspiracy to commit a crime if, with the intent to promote or facilitate...
Scream Bank Robbery Trio Get Habitual Sentences in Jefferson County Courts
Robbery Lawyer: Colorado Jefferson County Robbery Suspects Likely Received Habitual Sentences A Jefferson County District Court recently sentenced two of three men involved in the Robbery of several Colorado Banks. The men were known by the nickname Scream Robbers...
Robbery Becomes Theft in a Denver Instant – A Criminal Defense Attorney Explains
Denver Robbery Lawyer | Can Theft Turn into Robbery in Colorado? Two main Denver crimes deal with taking something from someone else. They are Robbery and Theft. These crimes can quickly transition from one to another. If you are not careful, you could be facing the...
Denver Pharmacy Aggravated Robbery
Across the metro area, Robbery is a common crime with many variations. One of these is Aggravated Robbery of Controlled Substances. Unlike traditional robberies, however, those completing this crime are not after money. They want controlled substances. This single...
Denver Deputy Provides Escape Assistance
The Denver Sheriff's Department is embarrassed that one of its own helped an inmate with an extensive criminal history escape the new Denver County Jail. That jail had previously had the fine distinction of no escapes. The Deputy who aided the escape provided the...
iPhones Increase Charges of Colorado Robbery: C.R.S. 18-4-301
Denver police have reported a 12.7 percent increase in violent crime last year, largely due to the number of robberies committed by persons stealing iPhones (Robbery, C.R.S. 18-4-301). In 2011 there were 1,143 reported robberies in Denver County, Colorado, up from 926...
Rock Robbery – Colorado Springs Police & El Paso Sheriff: C.R.S. 18-4-301
Denver Robbery Attorney Colorado Springs Police in El Paso County, Colorado are on the hunt for a man accused of throwing a rock at a liquor store clerk during an attempted Robbery (C.R.S 18-4-301) and later robbing two people at knife point. Eye witnesses saw the man...
Clown Robbers from Aurora?
The newly famed Clown Robbers may be from Aurora. Two young men from Aurora, Colorado were stopped by Utah police for speeding and in their car they had over $400,000.00 worth of jewelry and a loaded gun, according to CBS Denver. The men gained their notoriety from...