Crimes against current or former intimate partners in Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, or Parker include domestic violence enhancements. Whether you’re being accused of harassment, assault, or criminal mischief against your spouse or ex, DV alongside the criminal charge increases the potential punishment.
A mandatory arrest and restrictive protection order are elements that defendants experience from the onset of a case, even if the alleged victim changes their mind or doesn’t want the situation to escalate to charges. If you or someone you know is facing an allegation involving domestic violence, contacting one of our experienced DV lawyers should be the next step.
What Qualifies as an Intimate Relationship in Castle Rock?
In Castle Rock, Highlands Ranch, and Parker, an intimate relationship is one with current or prior romantic association or one that involves co-parenting of the same child. This includes:
- a wife or husband,
- an ex,
- current or previous girlfriend or boyfriend,
- or a co-parent
Heated arguments and acts of retaliation between those in these types of relationships are often the precursor to charges. Whether threats are made, property is damaged, or someone is injured, law enforcement is quick to assess the situation, and sometimes inaccurately. Even the immediate ramifications of a domestic violence accusation are very impactful.
What are the Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction in Douglas County?
It is important to note that the penalties for a conviction depend on the underlying crime, such as third-degree assault or harassment. The domestic violence enhancement itself triggers a mandatory arrest and protection order, regardless of what the pending criminal charge is. If convicted, a judge may order a defendant to:
- complete an evaluation and DV treatment,
- comply with an extended restraining order
These ramifications are in addition to any criminal penalties such as jail time, fines, and restitution. Unless a DV-related charge is dismissed or handled in municipal court, the record cannot by sealed.
How Do You Fight Domestic Violence Accusations in Castle Rock?
The earlier someone accused of DV contacts a skilled defense attorney, the better. We recommend exercising your right to remain silent when police start asking questions. Perhaps the incident was an accident, you were acting in self-defense, or the alleged victim is falsely accusing you.
Contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation with one of our highly-rated criminal lawyers. We will carefully analyze your unique situation and listen to your side of the story, as well as suggest next steps. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for defendants throughout Castle Rock, Lone Tree, Parker, Highlands Ranch, and other surrounding cities and suburbs.
Instead of talking to police about domestic violence accusations, talk to us. 303-731-0719
Photo by Burst