Child porn crimes in Thornton, Commerce City, and Brighton involve possession, distribution, or creation of juvenile pornography. Images and video showing teens under the age of 18 participating in sexual acts are unlawful throughout Colorado. These cases often include lewd files on computer hard drives, tablets, or smartphones ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whether accidentally sent to another person or purposefully uploaded, the ramifications for having, sending, or making child pornography are severe throughout Adams, Jefferson, and Arapahoe County. If you’re facing a charge of this nature, exercise your right to remain silent and consult an experienced internet sex crimes attorney immediately.
Adams County Child Porn Laws
Adams County’s child porn laws prohibit acts of sexually exploiting minors. CRS 18-6-403 describes sexual exploitation of a child throughout the state of Colorado. You commit a child porn crime in Thornton, Northglenn, or Brighton if you:
- possess pornographic material showing a juvenile engaged in a sexual act,
- OR contribute in any way to distributing or making these materials
Sexual acts can mean many different behaviors from nudity and fondling to oral and vaginal sex. Specifically, causing, inducing, enticing, or permitting a child 17 or younger to engage in these activities for the purpose of making phonography can lead to especially devastating consequences.
Consequences for Child Porn Crimes in Colorado
Each and every sexual exploitation of a child case is different. Child porn possession is typically either a class 5 or 4 felony, depending on the type and amount of underage materials. A conviction in these cases can lead to 1 – 6 years in prison, fines of $1K – $500K, and sex offender registration for at least 20 years. However, involvement in distributing or creating child porn is a class 3 felony in Adams, Arapahoe, and Jefferson County. These behaviors can as much as double the above prison sentence and significantly increase the fine amounts.
Attorney for Child Porn Crimes in Colorado
Strategic representation is essential when it comes to allegations of child porn crimes in Denver, Adams, and Arapahoe County. The criminal penalties coupled with the social stigma as a sex offender are very difficult to overcome. Prosecutors are not lenient with child pornography cases and are often set on making an example out of your case. We are prepared to fight these charges or negotiate the best possible outcome for you and your future. Perhaps you didn’t know you were in possession of these materials, the items weren’t for sexual gratification, or the subjects weren’t underage. That said, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We offer same-day jail visits, affordable fees, and flexible payment plans for those accused of sexual exploitation of a child.
Don’t talk to the police about child pornography crimes – talk to us. Sawyer Legal Group, LLC 303-731-0719
Photo by Nakul