Possession of handguns by juveniles is a charge in Denver that involves minors having a firearm without permission. There are some exceptions to this law that involve parental authorization, hunting, and private property. Those under 18 that possess a firearm outside of these specific parameters can face significant punishments. While a first illegal handgun possession by a juvenile is a misdemeanor, a second is a felony offense. If your child or one you know is facing a handgun possession charge in Colorado, consult a skilled firearms attorney right away.
Denver Possession of Handguns by Juveniles Law
Denver’s possession of a handgun by a juvenile law prohibits minors under 18 from knowingly having a handgun without specific permission. CRS 18-12-108.5 addresses juvenile handgun possession throughout Colorado. Minors under 18 can possess a handgun in Denver with permission from a parent or legal guardian and if they are:
- attending a hunter’s / firearm safety course,
- practicing at an established shooting range,
- participating in or practicing for an organized competition
- participating in trapping or hunting with a valid license,
- traveling to an above activity with an unloaded gun,
- on property controlled by their parent, grandparent, or legal guardian and one of those individuals gave permission to possess the handgun,
- or have permission from a parent / legal guardian to possess a handgun for self-defense at their residence
Additionally, parents or legal guardians can sometimes encounter child abuse charges in these situations for putting a juvenile in a potentially dangerous situation.
Consequences of Possession of Handguns by Juveniles in Colorado
A conviction of juvenile handgun possession can lead to time in a juvenile detention center. However, there are several different penalties a judge can impose in these cases. Some of them include:
- placement with relatives,
- a community accountability program,
- fines,
- victim restitution,
- an anger management program,
- probation
Repeat juvenile offenders often face harsher penalties for adjudication. Teens can even be sentenced as an adult if they’re 16 or older and the offense is serious.
Denver Juvenile Defense Lawyers
There’s a lot at stake for minors facing an allegation of unlawful handgun possession. You need Denver’s top juvenile defense lawyers by your side in court. We have decades of combined experience successfully representing minors accused of crimes throughout Colorado. Perhaps your kid didn’t know they had a handgun in their possession or the possession falls under one of the exceptions. Nonetheless, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation. We will carefully look over your unique case and suggest next steps, all while prioritizing the best possible outcome for your family.