Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

Colorado Marijuana Possession Laws and Defense Lawyers for 2018

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2018 | Marijuana |


Marijuana Possession Charge | Defense Attorney in Denver, Colorado

Have you been accused, charged or arrested for illegal Marijuana / Drug possession? Are you wondering what the current 2018 rules and regulations regarding Marijuana Laws in Colorado are? Our experienced Defense Attorneys are here to help you understand what Amendment 64 really means in Denver, Colorado.

Marijuana Law Timeline in Adams County, Colorado

First, let’s consider a timeline showing how Marijuana, from the cannabis plant species, changed in legal status over the last 43 years in Adams County and throughout Colorado:

1975 – When Marijuana possession was officially decriminalized in Denver, Colorado. It wasn’t legalized, but the penalties for possession became less severe.

2000 – Medical Marijuana became legal with the adoption of Amendment 20, which stated that “persons suffering from debilitating medical conditions” could privately use regulated amounts (2 ounces or less) of Marijuana.

2012 – Colorado Amendment 64 passes, legalizing recreational marijuana, though in regulated amounts and only at the minimum age of 21 years old. It would take the next year and 2 months to set up regulations, taxes, and other requirements for businesses, and rules for personal use limits.

2014 – Recreational Marijuana can now be purchased from businesses, cultivated, and used according regulations of the law.

Colorado Amendment 64 Marijuana Rules still in Affect in 2018

While some excited Colorado residents smoked marijuana publicly, they faced Marijuana Possession charges because they were not aware or did not understand and follow the regulations that Colorado Amendment 64 places on Marijuana use. In 2018. the same rules are still in affect as when the recreational use of Marijuana (aka ‘Pot’ ‘Weed,’ ‘Kush,’ ‘Northern Lights’) was legalized in 2012. In short, you can’t smoke Pot in public.

Douglas County Personal Use of Marijuana Law

In Douglas County, you must be 21 or older to recreationally use / possess Marijuana. You can only travel with or gift another 21-year or older adult up to one ounce of Marijuana. You may cultivate no more than three immature and three mature Marijuana plants (privately, locked up, and not sold) for personal use. Consumption is to be conducted in a manner that is safe for others.

Marijuana Consumption rules mirror those of alcohol laws, with penalties similar to a DUI.

Our Marijuana Possession page contains additional details Amendment 64 if you wish to know more specifics, and you can also read Amendment 64 itself if you have additional questions.

Marijuana Possession Defense Lawyer in Jefferson County & Arapahoe County

In Jefferson County and Arapahoe County, if you are charged with the illegal sale or possession of Marijuana, you need a Criminal Defense Lawyer who is going to help you navigate the complex legal system. Call us today at 303-731-0719 to schedule a free initial consultation to start planning your defense. Together, we can protect your future.