What is Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation in Denver?
Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation is a Denver crime which involves making a child available for photographs or videos involving sexual conduct. In essence, it involves helping someone commit Sexual Exploitation of a Child. It is a sexual offense in the State of Colorado, which means this crime can involve substantial prison time, sex offender treatment, and sex offender registration. It is a class 3 felony, which places the crime high up in the realm of sexual offenses. For this reason, silence on the part of anyone charged is essential.
The Definition of Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation in Douglas County
A person is accused of Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation when it is alleged they: intentionally give, transport, provide, or make available, or offer to give, transport, provide, or make available, to another person, a child for the purpose of sexual exploitation of a child.
What is Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Adams County, C.R.S. 18-6-403?
It is important to know what constitutes Sexual Exploitation of a Child in order to understand what Procurement of a Child is:
Sexual Exploitation of a Child involves the possession, manufacture or distribution of child pornography, along with enticing a child under the age of 18 to engage in it. Mere nudity of a child is not enough, or every adoring parent who photographed their child in the bathtub would be guilty. Sexual Exploitation of a Child is charged in a few different ways, depending on the severity of the crime. It can be charged as a class 3, 4 or 5 felony.
Prosecutors and District Attorneys in Aurora, Greeley and Brighton often ignore the legal possession of nude images of kids, and charge men and women for possessing nonsexual images of children. Many who are accused of Sexual Exploitation of a Child fear getting a felony conviction or prison sentence, so they plead guilty to a sex crime. It is always critical to involve the best criminal defense lawyer on your side to defend you if accused of Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Colorado.
Accused of Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation? Get a Jefferson County Attorney Involved
Charges of Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation mean that the government is going after a prison sentence. Rarely do they look for probation for this crime, since it is considered manufacturing images of Sexual Exploitation of a Child. A Jefferson County criminal defense attorney will know how to challenge the government’s evidence and make it less likely you end up on the Department of Corrections. Don’t plead guilty to a crime which may leave you a sex offender for the rest of your life. There are generally many options short of that.
If you or a friend is being accused of Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation, or Sexual Exploitation of a Child in Denver, Colorado, contact our lawyers at 1-866-365-9351 for a free meeting with a lawyer. As always, never speak with the police, but instead, exercise your constitutional right to remain silent. Together, we can protect your future.
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