I wrestle with the decision making process occurring at police agencies in Lakewood, Littleton and Aurora. Along with district attorneys, police charge men with Sexual Assault following consensual sexual contact. If a man and woman have sex, and the following day the woman decides her secret meeting will be exposed, she has a choice to make: accept the bad press for her decision or allege that the sexual contact was against her will.
Deputy District Attorneys in Arapahoe, Adams and Jefferson County look at cases with no physical evidence (other than DNA indicating sex occurred), and charge a man with what could be a lifetime prison count. Whether charging the felony Sexual Assault, or the misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact, the direct and collateral consequences of any sexual offense plea are devastating. Many charges require lifetime imprisonment.
Consequences of a Sexual Assault Plea or Conviction
These collateral consequences are difficult to escape, and include a Sex Offender Management Board evaluation, SOMB treatment, Sex Offender Intensive Supervised Probation, no contact with children, job restrictions, and mind control. This controlled environment is so strict that relationships with family (even adults) is often prohibited. Anyone who is seen as opposing the ridiculous do’s and don’ts of probation is removed from the picture.
Risks of Consensual Sexual Assault Charges
Consensual sex in Denver, Gunnison or Douglas County is involved in at least 50% of our adult sexual assault cases. One night stands are dangerous, as well as sex with a woman who is already in a relationship with another guy. There are too many variables and unknowns for a man to expose himself to possible charges of a sexual nature. Simply taking a moment to ask yourself whether you are willing to entrust this woman with your freedom, should change your course. If you don’t know her well enough and long enough to know whether she would make false allegations, you need to let her go.
Our experienced sexual assault lawyers are here for you and offer a free in-office consultation. Whenever you are contacted by police or a sheriff deputy, be smart, exercise your constitutional right to remain silent, and call us at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.