Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer
Photo Of Kyle B. Sawyer

Charged With A Crime? It Doesn’t Mean You’re Guilty.

Reckless Endangerment Denver Metro Attorney / Lawyer

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2013 | Reckless Endangerment |

In Denver, according to C.R.S. 18-3-208, Reckless Endangerment results when a person recklessly does anything which creates a substantial risk that someone else will have serious bodily injury. It is important to note that actual injury does not need to occur for you to be charged with this crime. A crime can be committed simply by creating a situation where there is a substantial likelihood that another will be injured in Adams, Douglas, and Arapahoe County.  You need a criminal defense lawyer to challenge your charges.

A Common Example of Reckless Endangerment

One case in Larimer County involving this charge came from a client allowing some passengers in his car to not wear a seatbelt. The client’s kids were in the bed of his pickup truck while he was driving slowly through the neighborhood. A Fort Collins police officer came and wrote him a ticket. Thankfully, he wasn’t charged with Child Abuse as well. Many times, the police in Aurora, Colorado Springs, and Lakewood will include both of the charges to help the prosecutors plead the case out.

Most of the cases I see involving Reckless Endangerment come from the client speaking to the police before hiring an attorney. Have you ever heard the phrase, silence is golden? Well, in criminal law, it is essential to be silent. When a police officer gives you the Miranda warning of “anything you say can and will be used against you,” listen to them. Many people start talking to the police and sharing details about an incident, hoping to talk their way out of charges. Before they even realize what is happening, they are cited in Jefferson, Broomfield, and Weld County with putting someone in danger of being hurt.

Penalties and Possible Results from Charges

Because Reckless Endangerment is a Class 3 misdemeanor, it carries a maximum punishment of up to six (6) months in jail and up to a $750.00 fine. A conviction for this crime can heavily affect your life and relationships. A criminal defense lawyer in the Denver Tech Center will be able to help you. An attorney can have charges dismissed from the judicial system, help negotiate a plea bargain, and help you win if the case proceeds to trial.

When facing charges of Reckless Endangerment in any Colorado County or City, be sure to hire an attorney who has handled these charges before and can work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible. So, if you’ve been charged with a crime, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and call us for a free consultation at 303-731-0719. Together, we can protect your future.